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Raise your words not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers not thunder. -- Rumi 13 th century Persian poet.

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Presentation on theme: "Raise your words not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers not thunder. -- Rumi 13 th century Persian poet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Raise your words not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers not thunder. -- Rumi 13 th century Persian poet

2 Response Who would you “gift” this poem to and why? Example: I would gift this poem to world leaders to remind them of the power of communication over protest.

3 Personal Memoir Writer’s Workshop Day 2 And the beat goes on

4 Today’s Goals Organizing my materials Pre-Write using an organizer First Draft Writing: Hook and Intro paragraph

5 Writing Piece Folders Write your first and last name with a marker or sharpie on the tab You need to place these papers that you already have in the folder Topic Selection Sheet Writing Smaller WS Hook Bingo You need to add these new papers to the folder Record keeping sheet Graphic organizer

6 New Papers You need to complete the first box on the record keeping sheet as follows Title: Memoir Skill Taught: Hook strategies You need to complete the second box on the record keeping sheet as follows Title: Memoir Skill Taught: Narrowing Writing Focus You must choose one of 3 graphic organizers to help you pre-write and organize your thoughts for the memoir

7 Option A

8 Option B

9 Option C Design your own! If you have another pre-writing strategy/organizer you feel more comfortable using, such as web mapping or simply outlining, etc. you may use that instead. The point is to have you roughly plan out the different details and order for your story

10 Introduction (Exposition) Who’s in the story? (don’t have to introduce all characters at once) Where does it take place?

11 For the Remainder... Pre-Write your essay using one of the organizers Rewrite/refine your hook Begin drafting the introduction Scheduled conferences with me For Monday: Have a completed pre-write and a rough draft introduction

12 Closure Share with a partner a new writing habit or trick you’ve found successful for this writing piece And of course....High Five Friday!

13 NEW SEATS!! Since we are changing seats, please stand with your stuff in the back and along the sides of the room until I give you your new seat. You should grab your poetry notebook before taking your seat

14 Raise your words not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers not thunder. -- Rumi 13 th century Persian poet

15 Response Who would you “gift” this poem to and why? Example: I would gift this poem to world leaders to remind them of the power of communication over protest.

16 Personal Memoir Writer’s Workshop Day 2 And the beat goes on

17 Today’s Goals Organizing my materials Pre-Write using an organizer

18 Writing Piece Folders Write your first and last name with a marker or sharpie on the tab You need to place these papers that you already have in the folder Topic Selection Sheet Writing Smaller WS Hook Bingo You need to add these new papers to the folder Record keeping sheet Graphic organizer

19 New Papers You need to complete the first box on the record keeping sheet as follows Title: Memoir Skill Taught: Hook strategies You need to complete the second box on the record keeping sheet as follows Title: Memoir Skill Taught: Narrowing Writing Focus You must choose one of 3 graphic organizers to help you pre-write and organize your thoughts for the memoir

20 Option A

21 Option B

22 Option C Design your own! If you have another pre-writing strategy/organizer you feel more comfortable using, such as web mapping or simply outlining, etc. you may use that instead. The point is to have you roughly plan out the different details and order for your story

23 Hook Bingo Pass your sheet to the person on your left *Students at the end of the row will get up and hand their sheet to the person at the other end of the row

24 Topic Consideration Questions Can I write descriptively about the topic? (your recollection of the sensory details does not have to be 100% accurate) Is there a place for dialogue? Is there something more to the story than just talking about an interesting or fun or exciting moment in my life? In addition to answering these questions, I mentally reviewed my Writing Territories, the places I’ve traveled, Penn State stories, losing grandparents, and things that make me happy

25 Choosing My Topic: What Should I Write? Penn State memories Ice skating class Learning how to shoot the duck Final Performance (hard work, practice, pride, accomplishment, realizing childhood dream)

26 Introduction (Exposition) Who’s in the story? (don’t have to introduce all characters at once) Where does it take place?

27 Closure Share with a partner a new writing habit or trick you’ve found successful for this writing piece And of course....High Five Friday! For Monday: Have a completed pre- write and a rough draft introduction

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