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RTI Essential Components Jenice Pizzuto Jenice Pizzuto Jenice Pizzuto National Consultant, Learning Forward, President, Learning Forward Oregon Leadership.

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Presentation on theme: "RTI Essential Components Jenice Pizzuto Jenice Pizzuto Jenice Pizzuto National Consultant, Learning Forward, President, Learning Forward Oregon Leadership."— Presentation transcript:


2 RTI Essential Components Jenice Pizzuto

3 Jenice Pizzuto Jenice Pizzuto National Consultant, Learning Forward, President, Learning Forward Oregon Leadership and Learning Center, Trainer New member OrRTI Wife, mother, friend, golfer Learner, reader and collaborator

4 RTI is : Data Individual needs Focus Families Engaging Instructions Responding Everyone Never ending Teaming Where We’ve Been

5 Preview the Essential Components of an an effective, sustainable RTI system Where We’re Going

6 Develop a conceptual understanding and awareness of an RTI system Create a big picture view of key components of an RTI system Objectives

7 Moving Upstream: A Story of Prevention and Intervention







14 THE BUDGET Not another thing! PLC Curricula ELL & Sheltered Instruction Credit by proficiency Schedules Assessment Instruction Professional development Behavior Special Education Interventions TAG CFA

15 Braid the Initiatives Professional Learning Communities Response to Intervention SIOP/EL Focus Common Core State Standards Creating Effective Systems to Support School and Student Improvement

16 Table Talk  One Minute Quick Write  What are your current district initiatives?  Two Minute Partner Talk  List alignments you see

17 Core RTI Principles  We can effectively teach all children  Intervene early  Use a multi-tier model of service delivery  Use a problem-solving method to make decisions within a multi-tier model  Use research-based, scientifically validated interventions/instruction to the extent available  Monitor student progress to inform instruction  Use data to make decisions  Use assessment for 3 different purposes  Screening, diagnostic, progress monitoring NASDSE, 2006

18 In The Past General Education Title Reading or Other Reading Support Special Education Some “Fell’” Through Some “Fell’” Through

19 RTI: Full Continuum of Support General Education Title Reading & Reading Support, Gifted Ed. Special Education, Gifted Ed. I I I I I I I I all along the continuum! I =

20 Essential Components of RTI

21 So how do we make this happen? Universal screener Core Curriculum with strong instruction Decision rules and reading protocol Progress Monitoring Interventions

22 Data Based Teaming Data Based Teaming  Principal  Classroom Teachers  Specialists  School Counselor  School Psychologist Collaborating

23 Teaming  Principal  Classroom Teachers  Specialists  School Counselor  School Psychologist Co-laboring

24 Leadership  District Level AND School Level  Funding  Calendar  Schedule  Fidelity

25 Professional Development and Fidelity Professional Development and Fidelity Content:  Core curriculum & instruction  Assessment  Interventions  Teaming  Data-based decision making  SPED procedures Delivery:  Ongoing  Sufficient time to collaborate and plan  Incorporates fidelity checks Anticipate and be willing to meet the newly emerging needs based on student performance Data ALSO used to drive professional development needs

26 Universal Screening  Universal screening for ALL students at least three times per year  Good screening measures:  Efficient an unbiased  Multiple and equivalent forms  2 purposes:  Determine the overall health of the core  Determine which students may need additional support

27 Core Curriculum Research-Based Core Program  Big 5 of Reading  90 minutes of Reading instruction (1-5, K – 60)  Agreements on fidelity  Scope and Sequence  Focus on effective instruction methods PhonicsPhonics FluencyFluency Phonemic Awareness ComprhensionComprhension Vocabulary For all students!

28 Decision Rules  Data based decision making  Provide the “now what” after teams have analyzed student data  Guide decisions for all tiers  Take the guesswork out of “what to do next”  Ensure equity across schools I think… I feel… I believe What data do you have that makes you think/feel/believe that? - Dr. Ed Shapiro

29 Are the children learning? How can we tell? Progress Monitoring Tools Must Be:  Brief  Valid  Reliable  Repeatable  Easy to Administer Frequency:  Every 2 weeks (minimum)  Every week (ideal)

30 Interventions  Delivery of instruction decisions are based identified student needs  Is in addition to and aligns with the district core curriculum  Uses more explicit instruction  Provides more intensity  Additional modeling and guided feedback  Immediacy of feedback  Does NOT replace core

31 RTI Essential Components Universal screener Core Curriculum with strong instruction Decision rules and reading protocol Progress Monitoring Interventions

32 High level overview of Essential Components of an an effective, sustainable RTI system Where We’ve Been

33 Focus on the element that gives us the most power The importance of Core instruction Where We’re Going


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