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Broadgreen International School Learning Platform & Community Pete Banks Gail Jones.

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Presentation on theme: "Broadgreen International School Learning Platform & Community Pete Banks Gail Jones."— Presentation transcript:

1 Broadgreen International School Learning Platform & Community Pete Banks Gail Jones

2 Broadgreen International School

3 Learning Platform, Inclusion & Community Why a VLE and not just a website? Access school files online Integration of the MIS Learning platform – lessons online Pupil data accessible by parents online – parents involved /improved results

4 Inclusion

5 Parental Engagement

6 Wider Community Silver Surfers Governors Primary schools Local Businesses

7 Silver Surfers

8 Primary Integration

9 Local Businesses

10 Benefits for our learners They become more engaged, creative, innovative and highly motivated Developing higher levels of perception and are emotionally literate Understanding the benefits of collaborating and enabling others They are socially responsible participators who understand the benefits of everyone working together to improve the whole community

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