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Nerve Impulses Sec 17.1 Pg 324-325. Memory Makers from Last Class…  Fingerlike Extensions  Outskirts and Organs Please PNS  Conductor Tubes  Go between.

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Presentation on theme: "Nerve Impulses Sec 17.1 Pg 324-325. Memory Makers from Last Class…  Fingerlike Extensions  Outskirts and Organs Please PNS  Conductor Tubes  Go between."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nerve Impulses Sec 17.1 Pg 324-325

2 Memory Makers from Last Class…  Fingerlike Extensions  Outskirts and Organs Please PNS  Conductor Tubes  Go between  Motors Away, Make Move!  Fried Egg  Brain is the Centre  Feeling it to the CNS Can you guess which vocab word from last class goes with each group of words?

3 Memory Makers side 2  Leap Frog  Negative Nancy NoPulse  Support Worker  Report Positive Change  Extension Cord  Lights Camera Impulse aka Action  All or nothing  Against the FLow


5 Huge rorqual whales have nerves like 'bungee cords,' UBC scientists learn

6 Did you know.. Squids have giant axons which are used to study nerve impulses!


8 The Nerve Impulse The way a neuron transmits information!

9  A wave of changes in charge (polarity) that travel from the dendrites to the axon

10  Voltage changes measured using a voltmeter and on an oscilloscope

11 The Nerve Impulse  A nerve impulse is composed of three stages:  1. Resting potential.  2. Action Potential.  3. Recovery Period.


13 What is happening inside the axon? Let’s take a look! Let’s take a look!

14 Your Job Today:  Follow along with your notes package…  Highlight the points emphasized in our discussions…  Complete the summary table  After class, go back and draw in the ions/charges in the axons & REVIEW!!!

15 Resting Potential  In order to understand a nerve impulse, it is important to understand the nature of the axon when it is at rest (not stimulated).  There are three things which determine the axon ’ s resting potential: 1. Sodium ions (Na+) 2. Potassium ions (K+) 3. large, negatively charged proteins

16 Resting Potential  There are some other structures which also play important roles:  1. SODIUM-POTASSIUM PUMPS (intrinsic carrier proteins in the cell membrane of the axon) which actively transport: Na+ ions OUT OF the neuron K+ ions INTO the neuron


18 Resting Potential 2. CHANNEL PROTEINS (intrinsic proteins in the cell membrane of the axon) means the membrane is somewhat permeable to the ions which diffuse down their concentration gradients: Na+ ions diffuse back INTO the neuron K+ ions diffuse OUT OF the neuron The membrane is more permeable to potassium than sodium, so there are more positively charged ions outside the membrane.


20 Resting Potential 3. LARGE, NEGATIVELY CHARGED PROTEINS located within the neuron and are too large to move out.

21 Resting Potential  The net result of: the sodium-potassium pump the greater leakage of potassium ions the large, negative proteins in the cell IS inside  an overall NEGATIVE CHARGE on the inside the membrane outside  an overall POSITIVE CHARGE outside the membrane. The overall charge is about -65 millivolts (mV) inside compared to outside.

22 Resting Potential


24 Action Potential  A stimulus is any factor which causes a nerve impulse to be generated.  Examples are an electric shock, a change in temperature, physical pressure on a cell and so on.  A stimulus will disrupt the resting potential by disrupting the distribution of Na+ and K+ ions.

25 Action Potential  A stimulation of the neuron will cause:  The temporary opening of SODIUM GATES which makes the membrane suddenly more permeable to Na+ ions.  Na+ ions diffuse INTO the axon due to the concentration gradient (high [Na+] outside membrane, low [N+] inside membrane).  This causes the charge difference to change from -65 mV to +40 mV. This reverse in polarity is called DEPOLARIZATION.



28 Depolarization


30 Action Potential  The immediate response (within a half a millisecond) to the change in polarity is another change in the permeability of the neuron ’ s membrane.  POTASSIUM GATES now open which means K+ ions diffuse OUT of the neuron.  Sodium gates have closed.  This causes the charge difference to change from +40 mV to -65 mV again.  This reverse in polarity is known as REPOLARIZATION.  Note that although the initial polarity has been restored, the Na+ and K+ ions are in the reverse positions.


32 Repolarization


34 Action Potential ACTION POTENTIAL  The DEPOLARIZATION and REPOLARIZATION of the neuron is referred to as the ACTION POTENTIAL.

35 Recovery Period  During the recovery period, the sodium- potassium pumps work to return the ions to their original concentrations.  Na+ is moved out of the neuron and K+ is moved in.  During the recovery period, the neuron is unable to conduct a nerve impulse. (See diagram for resting potential.)  *In your text this is referred to as the REFRACTORY PERIOD.

36 Action Potential Animations  ml ml  nel.html nel.html  http://highered.mcgraw- /animations.html# http://highered.mcgraw- /animations.html#

37 Action Potential Summary Resting Potential :  charge is -65 mV  Na + is outside neuron  K + is inside neuron

38 Action Potential Action Potential (depolarization):  charge moves from -65 to +40 mV  Na + gates open & Na + moves inside axon  K+ also trapped inside axon


40 Action Potential Summary Action Potential Action Potential (repolarization):  charge moves from +40 to -65 mV  K + gates open AND K + moves outside  Na + gates close, Na+ stays inside

41 Recovery Period Recovery Period :  charge is -65 mV (back to resting potential)  Na+/K+ pump moves against gradient  Na+ out  K+ in

42 Threshold: All or None Response  In order for an action potential to be initiated, the stimulus must be above a minimum level.  The minimum level required to activate an action potential in a neuron is called the THRESHOLD.  It is usually 10 to 20 millivolts above resting potential. Any stimulus less than the threshold will not produce an impulse. Any stimulus greater than the threshold will produce an impulse.

43 Threshold: All or None Response  The strength of a nerve impulse is always the same as long as the threshold is reached.  This is why a nerve impulse is called an all or none response.  Either there is an impulse or there is not.  There can be no “ partial ” nerve impulse.  A stronger stimulus does not result in a bigger impulse, rather it means a greater number of impulses (more nerves involved or a single nerve conducting a series of impulses).

44 Oscilliscope Reading of an Impulse

45 Saltatory Conduction SCHWANN CELLS  Most axons are covered by tightly packed spirals of SCHWANN CELLS.  These encircle the axon and lay down layers of cellular membrane. MYELIN  This cellular membrane contains a fatty substance called MYELIN which acts as an electrical insulator.


47 Saltatory Conduction NODES OF RANVIER.  Between the sheaths of myelin (Schwann cells) are gaps called NODES OF RANVIER.  As an impulse travels down a myelinated axon, it can jump from node to node rather than traveling the full length of the axon. SALTATORY CONDUCTION  This greatly increases the speed of the nerve impulse and is known as SALTATORY CONDUCTION


49 Animations  onp.html onp.html 



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