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IN SHAKESPEARES OTHELLO. Shakespeare in his play Othello depicts how women in the 15th century are regarded by society and their expectations. What were.

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Presentation on theme: "IN SHAKESPEARES OTHELLO. Shakespeare in his play Othello depicts how women in the 15th century are regarded by society and their expectations. What were."— Presentation transcript:


2 Shakespeare in his play Othello depicts how women in the 15th century are regarded by society and their expectations. What were the roles that women played in Othello?

3 Being loyal to their husbands Doing what they were told Not going against their husbands judgements or actions Were seen as sex objects They were portrayed to society as:

4 These roles of women are displayed through the characters of Desdemona Emilia Bianca -, representing three characteristics on how women were recognised by : The various levels of class Intelligence virtue

5 Desdemona is from the higher classes, re3presenting women of rank and privilege A symbol of innocence,- impartial viewes of situations *Emilia represents the middle class women * Bianca representing women of the Lower classes (her role known to us today as a prostitute) Desdemona Othello Emilia IagoCassio Bianca Married Lady in waiting of Married Mistress to Desdemona Brabantio Desdemona daughter of Brabantio

6 Iago – attitude to women clearly arrogant, as he considered them of the inferior sex The inferiority Iago had towards women was reverted towards Desdemona and Emilia He expressed his views to women as merely sexual objects : there to satisfy mans desires “You rise to play/ And go to bed to work” This shows the sexism against women at this time. Iago condescendingly treats all women even his own wife as possessions, complaining about the flaws that all women have. Iago claiming that women fool around all day and only work hard in bed

7 Desdemona It was said that women had to do what they were told by the men as they were the inferior sex. Desdemona followed the marital roles of a women, But…. Went against her fathers and societies expectations > not seeking permission from her father- marrying Othello > Threat posed to male authority- tearing away from Venetian patriarchal society

8 Emilia believes that a woman's role amongst scoiety and their duties to men are not to be slaves as she is from the middle class This shown as Emilia questions men: referring to Iago “But I do think it Is their husbands faults. If wives to fall. Say that they slack their duties,/ And poor our treasures into foreign laps :/ Or else break out in peevish jealousies,/ Throwing restraint upon us : or say they strike us,/ Or scant our former having in despite:/ What we have galls: and though we have some grace,/ yet we some revenge…”


10 The virtue of a women was important to men in Othello Virtue is defined as the quality of doing what is right, avoiding what is wrong. Othello it also meant ‘purity’ and ‘perfection’ of a woman Due to women being used as sexual objects, men would not want to marry a women who was not ‘pure’ – unfaithful Men in society would refer to women as unfaithful when she has had a sexual relation with another man. Often referring to women as “Whores”

11 “ I took you for the cunning whore of Venice” Desdemona despite what Othello had claimed her to have done was very loyal to her husband, hiding her true self, as she knew it was not a women's right that women should argue with there husband.


13 The Elizabethan era was a time associated with Queen Elizabeth 1’s reign (1558-1603) and often is considered the ‘golden age in English history. The Elizabethans had clear expectations of men and women, Men – expected to be breadwinners Women – housewives / mothers

14 > The Elizabethan society was patriarchal, this meant that men were considered to be the leaders and women their inferiors During the years (1558-1603) there were may things women couldn’t do, they were: attend school (private tutor) enter the professions of (law, medicine, politics) but were allowed to work in domestic services (cooks, maids) not vote regardless of social position not inherit fathers titles

15 > Men opposed to women had many more rights Evidently displayed throughout Othello men were seen as the superior sex They could marry who ever they wanted, Women had no say to who they married They could get an education

16 It is seen throughout society today that there is an equality amongst men and women Women are allowed to vote Get an education Not perceived as sex objects Housewives/ maids





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