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SAU #73 Gilford School District Gilford, New Hampshire (High School includes Gilmanton, NH) May 27, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "SAU #73 Gilford School District Gilford, New Hampshire (High School includes Gilmanton, NH) May 27, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 SAU #73 Gilford School District Gilford, New Hampshire (High School includes Gilmanton, NH) May 27, 2016

2 Gilford Gateway Team Scott Laliberte – Director of Curriculum & Instruction, District Team Leader GSD, Grades K-12, (603) 527-9215 Danielle Bolduc – Principal Gilford Elementary School, Grades K-4 Nancy Allen – Science Teacher Gilford Middle School, Grade 8 Sarah Campbell – Science Teacher Gilford High School, Grades 9-12 Dave Stevens – Technology Integration Teacher Gilford Elementary School, Grades K-4 Vlad Vascak – Technology Integration Teacher Gilford Middle School Grades 5-8 Nicole Conner – Math Teacher Gilford High School, Grades 9-10 Patti Madore – Kindergarten Teacher Gilford Elementary School

3 SAU #73 Gilford Schools/Grade Levels Gilford Elementary School – Grade levels K-4 Gilford Middle School – Grade levels 5-8 Gilford High School – Grade levels 9-12 (GHS enrollment Includes students from Gilmanton NH by tuition agreement)

4 SAU #73 Gilford Enrollment Statistics Enrollment by Race/EthnicityPercent of District African American0.4 Asian1.5 Latino/Latina1.6 Native American0.4 Caucasian95.1 Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander0.0 Multi-Race1.0 Enrollment by GenderDistrict Female47.9 Male52.1 Total100

5 SAU #73 Gilford Current STEM Education Courses/Programs Intro to Computer Science series: Digital Connections (GHS Gr. 9-12), with Python (GHS Gr. 10-12), with Alice (GHS Gr. 10-12), and Java Honors(GHS, Gr. 10-12) Gilford High School - Standard Science Progression: Earth-Space Sci, Bio, Chem, Physics – to AP. (GHS Gr. 9-12) GHS Technology: Power Mech. & Skills courses (Wood, Metal) Beginning to Advanced Fabrication (GHS Gr. 9-12) GHS Pre-Engineering: Intro to Engineering & Design, CAD, Robotics, Automation, and Manufacturing Tech. (GHS Gr. 10-12) GHS Relationship with Huot Technical center in Laconia, NH GMS and GES STEM Initiatives are integrated in Gr. K-8

6 SAU #73 Gilford Current Community Involvement GHS School to Career Internship Placement Program GSD Professional development relationships with Plymouth State University and the University of New Hampshire. GMS Faculty Participation in 3M Keystone Institute NOTE: Please list local businesses, professional partnerships, foundations, colleges

7 SAU #73 Gilford: Goals Goal I: Advance opportunities for our students to participate in STEM-related activities beyond the core curriculum. Goal II: Present students with interest and aptitude in STEM-related areas with the ability to pursue those interests. (Links to GSD Long Range Strategic Plan Goal #1 – Personalized Learning Initiative.) Goal III: Create context for Common Core State Standards content area in Math, focusing on Performance Tasks as a means of demonstrating understanding. E.g. Long term vision

8 SAU# 73 Gilford: Challenges Challenge I: Connection of STEM activities to the conventional progression of existing curricula Challenge II: Funding of projects and activities seen as ‘extra activities’ beyond the scope of conventional courses. This includes developing adequate physical space and materials to support these activities. Challenge III: Support and challenge faculty through meaningful professional development experiences.

9 SAU# 73 Gilford: After School STEM Activities Activity I: Robotics Teams GHS FIRST Robotics Competition Team GES Lego Robotics Club (Summer and School Year) Activity II: Career exploration through externships and school- to-work experiences Activity III: Math Team (GHS) Note: Please indicate any district after or out of school STEM related activities, e.g. robotics club, summer enrichment, or Sea Perch involvement, etc. and also indicate grade span

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