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Science Do Now (5 min): VOICE LEVEL 0.  Immediately take out and place on your desk:  Merit and demerit cards  Science binder  Agenda book  Pencil.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Do Now (5 min): VOICE LEVEL 0.  Immediately take out and place on your desk:  Merit and demerit cards  Science binder  Agenda book  Pencil."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Do Now (5 min): VOICE LEVEL 0.  Immediately take out and place on your desk:  Merit and demerit cards  Science binder  Agenda book  Pencil  Complete the paper do now questions.  HOMEWORK – in your agenda book write/change: PALEO-EVIDENCE LAB DUE WEDNESDAY Today Guest Teacher Mr. Lam

2 Plate Tectonics on Earth 9.21.15 SWBAT Explain what mechanism has moved tectonic plates over time. Identify tectonic plate boundaries on a plate map. Read it together 2x, then copy it down in your note

3 World Map of the Tectonic Plates: Accurate labeling is key for us to be able to use this map correctly again and again (4 min.). Pacific Plate Antarctic Plate Australian Plate African Plate Eurasian Plate S. American Plate N. American Plate Arabian Plate Indian Plate Scotia PlatePhilippine Plate Nazca Plate Caribbean Plate Cocos PlateJuan de Fuca Plate 1 Min CFU

4 What makes the plates move? 4 min.  CONVECTION! Demonstration 1: Convection Current Rapid convection of air causes tornadoes, thunderstorm, Seattle Convergence Zone

5 Types of Plates  At a VOICE LEVEL 0, read the small article on the back of your notes page. Circle or highlight any word that you are unsure of. A divergent boundary occurs when two tectonic plates move away from each other. Along these boundaries an opening in the crust is made, and lava leaks out of the mantle and onto the crust. It oozes up into the crack in the crust and hardens into solid rock, forming new crust on the torn edges of the plates. At divergent boundaries, lava cools into basalt, a dark, dense rock that underlies the ocean floor. When two plates come together, it is known as a convergent boundary. The impact of the two colliding plates can create earthquakes. It causes the crust to bend and break. One of the tectonic plates or both plates are pushed up into a mountain range, and sometimes bends the other down into the ocean floor making a deep seafloor trench. A chain of volcanoes often forms next to the convergent boundary. Two plates sliding past each other forms a transform plate boundary. Natural or human-made structures that are built over a transform boundary are split into pieces and carried in opposite directions when the plates move. Rocks that sit along the plate boundary are ground up as the plates move past each other. Transform boundaries have frequent earthquakes. There is no place for magma or lava to come to the surface, so the crust is cracked and broken at transform boundaries, but is not created or destroyed. 4 Min

6 Processing your thinking (4 min):  What are some of the words you were uncertain of?  What paragraph were they in (so everyone can find them)? What is __________________ (convergent?)

7 Who can explain, by using their hands or their papers, how these plate boundaries move?  In your notes:  Draw the arrows on your notes page along with me!  Here is a website with a quick moving example of each:  DIVERGENT BOUNDARYTRANSFORM BOUNDARYCONVERGENT BOUNDARY

8 Independent Practice  You will now have 6 minutes to complete this independent practice page. Yes, it will be collected.  It is INDEPENDENT work, so VOICE LEVEL 0.  You may keep your science binder out if you wish to.  I will give you a time check when we have 2 minutes left to finish.  And GO!

9 Pangea…the supercontinent  Last week you learned about a time in the past when all the land (the continents) were together.  Pangea was the name of this ENORMOUS continent.  Lets watch it break apart and make some observations – be prepared, I will be cold calling for your observations after we watch!   In your notes:  The reason the continents moved over time is due to _________________________.  And the way the continents moved was because of what kind of _____________________ was present. MANTLE CONVECTION PLATE BOUNDARY

10 Exit Ticket  On your exit ticket papers you will be looking at the video and writing down what kind of boundary you think was happening at the locations listed.  Do your best. If you need to, you can draw the arrows showing motion instead of the name of the boundary.  Yes, the video will be played several times so you can see things over again (we will complete #1 together so that we all understand what a right answer looks like)

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