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Film Posters MEDIA STUDIES. First we will look at film and the industry As always make notes and keep for revision and the final report.

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Presentation on theme: "Film Posters MEDIA STUDIES. First we will look at film and the industry As always make notes and keep for revision and the final report."— Presentation transcript:

1 Film Posters MEDIA STUDIES

2 First we will look at film and the industry As always make notes and keep for revision and the final report.

3 GENRE Genre means type i.e a type of media text with certain characteristics or conventions Give some examples? Cross genre or hybrid genre means a mix of genres e.g ‘Alien’. What are the genres of the film ‘Alien’? Genres are constantly changing Give an example of a recent genre? Why are they important? Look at some film posters what genres are suggested?


5 NARRATIVE The narrative is basically the story. There are theories that analyse narratives. Todorovs’ theory broke down film narratives into specific stages. Equilibrium. Disruption.. Recognition of disruption. Attempt to repair disruption. Reinstatement of equilibrium Another version of this is…………………………..

6 NARRATIVE STRUCTURE Hero/herione Disruption…....Hero’s Quest…..Return to normality Agent of change Use this model to show an example of a movie Can you use it for a James Bond movie?

7 REPRESENTATION The way in which people places or events are re- presented to audiences. Many representations of people e.g women, teenagers ethnic groups etc. are often s tereotypical. Stereotyping is labelling a group or person in a certain way usually unfairly (negative) Can you think of any positive stereotypes

8 INTERTEXTUALITY Is the link between two media texts. E.g when watching a Film or TV programme you recognise a reference to another film or programme. Can you think of any?

9 Conventional shape - portrait Pixar subsidiary of Disney Strapline clue to genre/narrative play on words/ pun. Central image? Appealing to audience Pose? Mode of address? No Production credits- Teaser ? Serif font Classy food french? – branding, logo? Style. Connotations. Restaurant sign french? Play on words Ratatouille. Release date- holidays. Setting ? Foreground, tiles ? Knives Knife thrower Kitchen Knives. Heightened /exaggerated perspective focuses on Rat. Fork Cheese Stereotypical food of Rat mouse. Brand logo, safe family viewing

10 LOOK AT ‘MEDIA KNOW ALL’MEDIA KNOW ALL Blockbusters We will look at analysing a Film poster.

11 Watch the video of the making of Judge Dred Making of Incredibles, Cars, etc. Bonus Material Take notes and make references to them in your report

12 TASK FILM POSTER PRODUCTION THEME: ANIMATED FILM Create a Poster campaign for a new animated film. It could be a CGI, Claymation or 2D drawn film. Write a synopsis (treatment) for your film, max two paragraphs What is the sub-genre of Film ? e.g. action comedy Who will be the target audience ? (Primary/Secondary) When will the final release date be? Explain why? Find out what other (real) films are to be released at the same time (competition). Annotated analysis of a film Poster with similar genre. Produce ideas for a new Poster campaign (design and produce a poster and teaser posters for your new film.) Annotated analysis of own Poster/s.

13 ANIMATION Use the link to the Media edu site for some detailed history and links for animation.Media edu Animation is one of the earliest forms of film-making.

14 EXTENSION TASK Web page/ site design Create a front page (and pages if you have time) for your new film. You can produce this using a web design software like Dreamweaver or as a Powerpoint presentation. I will give brief instruction during a lesson but for detailed training you can attend a Masterclass after school or any after school session on a Tuesday 3.30-5.00 see me. It is of course possible to produce your whole project as a website. This can then be put on to the school site when finished.

15 REPORT Finally a 400 -700 word report Your report should evaluate your task in relation to the aims of the project. Comment on ideas for promoting and distributing your film and any issues that your production might raise for it’s audience. E.g. How will it attract that target audience? Does your poster show the genre/s of the film? What aspects work particularly well? Why? What else is there about the film that will attract the audience: Director, Stars, Soundtrack. etc.

16 RESOURCES Useful websites Video in class ‘ Marketing Judge Dred ’ GCSE Media studies text book School website - Media Studies. Look at previous years work on Posters pageMedia Studies. Mediaedu Site- animation login mediastudies1, Mediaedu Site Password media1

17 KEYWORDS Genre, Cross genre Conventions Narrative Stereotype Representation Intertextuality

18 KEY TERMS; USE THESE IN YOUR ANALYSIS WHERE APPROPRIATE Typical Codes and Conventions Signifies or Connotes Stereotypical Camera shots – CU, VLS POV etc. Symbolic codes are hugely significant. You should identify the range of symbolic codes and explain why they have been used by the makers of the text. You should use the word SIGNIFY or CONNOTE when describing symbolic codes. Eg. The skull and cross bones symbol on the flag signifies pirates. Body language e.g his body language signifies he is scared. Gesture Dress Setting Composition: rule of thirds, perspective, Colour Typographic codes: fonts, plain, bold, italic, decorative, serif / sans serif Anchorage. How do the words used give the image meaning. Mise en scene, a useful word here which often describes many symbolic codes. Eg the mise-en- scene shows an urban setting. Denotation and Connotation ( same as signify and signified)

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