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Leader’s role in teams ► Self-oriented ► Controlling ► Withdrawing ► Attention-seeking ► Personal goal-oriented ► Divisive ► Withholding information ►

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Presentation on theme: "Leader’s role in teams ► Self-oriented ► Controlling ► Withdrawing ► Attention-seeking ► Personal goal-oriented ► Divisive ► Withholding information ►"— Presentation transcript:

1 Leader’s role in teams ► Self-oriented ► Controlling ► Withdrawing ► Attention-seeking ► Personal goal-oriented ► Divisive ► Withholding information ► Team-oriented ► Harmonising ► Encouraging ► Compromising ► Delegating ► Co-ordinating ► Initiating ► Consensus building ► Sharing information

2 Effective teams ► Clearly defined goals,objectives and tasks ► Open and honest communication ► Listening to understand ► Offering and accepting honest feedback ► Decision by consensus ► Keeping team on track and focussed ► Resolving conflicts effectively

3 Types of listening ► Content listening ► Understand and retain speaker’s message ► Agree/ disagree or approve/disapprove not important ► Critical listening ► Understand and evaluate meaning of speaker’s message ► Logic of argument and strength of evidence, validity of conclusions, implications of message, speaker’s intentions and motives, commission and omission of important points ► Focus on probing and developing interaction

4 Types of listening ► Empathic listening ► Understanding speaker’s feelings, needs and wants ► Non-verbal communication for encouragement, warmth and willingness to listen ► Do not advise and judge individual’s feelings ► Probing is gentle and open-ended questions

5 Good and bad listeners ► Good listener ► Finds areas of interest and asks what is in it for me? ► Finds central theme from content ► Overlooks delivery errors ► Does not judge until comprehension is complete ► Probes with open-ended questions ► Avoids and minimises distractions ► Noted down only factual details ► Interprets emotional words but does not stick to them ► Helps to summarise ► Paraphrases speaker’s ideas ► Bad listener ► Focus on delivery ► Tries to find out what is in it for the speaker ► Communicates disagreement early before comprehension ► Argues and uses closed questions ► Gets distracted easily ► Fakes attention ► While taking notes loses eye-to- eye contact ► Reacts to emotional words and hangs on to the words ► No encouragement through body language to slow/bad speakers

6 Improving non-verbal communication skills ► Avoid conflicting signals ► Smile genuinely ► Respect audience’s comfort zone ► Use touch only when appropriate ► Maintain eye contact to communicate interest and maintain respect ► Avoid clearing throat again and again and similar gestures ► Hand movements to communicate openness and reaching out ► Be sensitive to cultural differences in body language

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