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What is Health? health (hlth) NOUN: The overall condition of an __________ at a given time. Soundness, especially of body or mind; freedom from __________.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Health? health (hlth) NOUN: The overall condition of an __________ at a given time. Soundness, especially of body or mind; freedom from __________."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is Health? health (hlth) NOUN: The overall condition of an __________ at a given time. Soundness, especially of body or mind; freedom from __________ or __________. A condition of optimal __________ : concerned about the ecological health of the area. A wish for someone's good health, often expressed as a toast.

3 What is Health? 1900- Health is the __________ of __________. 1920- Health is the normal functioning of all parts of the body; complete __________ fitness. 1947- Health is a state of complete __________, __________ and __________ well-being, not merely the absence of disease or illness.

4 Definition of Health 1965- Health is the __________ of life involving our physical, social, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual dimensions.

5 Wellness An overall state of well-being or total __________

6 Dimensions of Wellness __________ Intellectual __________ (Occupational) Environmental __________ Physical

7 What is Wellness? When you link together all __________ aspects of wellness (social, physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual, environmental and vocational) in everything you do. Examples: 1. Losing temper when tired, ill or hungry 2. Having a headache or stomach ache when nervous or anxious

8 Signs of Wellness ___________ presence of support network Chronic ___________ expectations Sense of ___________ involvement; Increased sensitivity Tendency to ___________ to changing conditions Appetite for physical ___________ Tendency to identify and ___________ feelings

9 Signs of Wellness Repeated episodes of ___________, ___________, or related emotions Compulsion to ___________ to society Persistent sense of ___________

10 Physical This is what we all do well in our health clubs. It is met through the combination of good ___________ and ___________, taking precautions for ___________ and receiving appropriate health screenings throughout our lives. It also means taking personal responsibility and care for minor illnesses and knowing when ___________ medical attention is needed. Physically well people understand and appreciate the relationship between sound ___________ and how their body performs. The physical benefits of looking good and feeling terrific most often lead to the ___________ benefits of enhanced self- esteem, ___________, determination and a sense of direction.

11 Physical Has the energy to meet the demands of life and do the things they enjoy. Can restrict the intake of ___________ substances such as alcohol and drugs. Gets plenty of ___________ Eats a well-balanced diet Maintains proper body weight

12 Social Social Wellness. This is how a person ___________ to their environment and community and how he or she builds better living spaces and ___________ networks. The social dimension encourages contributing to one's environment and community.

13 Social Are able to make and keep friends Has the ability to ___________ to others and be honest and loyal Treat others with ___________ and respect Have the ability to master social graces, they are polite and helpful Can be ___________ but not promiscuous

14 Intellectual This dimension recognizes one’s creative and stimulating ___________ activities as well as expands knowledge and skills while ___________ his or her gifts with others. The intellectually well person is open to new ideas, thinks critically and seeks out new challenges. These people will stretch and challenge their minds with intellectual and creative pursuits instead of becoming ___________ and unproductive.

15 Intellectual Has common ___________ and logic Can embrace the chance to improve themselves and learn something new Can ___________ the things you have learned Can rapidly catch on to new ideas Are open-minded and accepting of others

16 Emotional This dimension includes the capacity to manage one’s feelings and related behaviors, including the realistic assessment of one’s limitations, development of autonomy and the ability to cope effectively with stress. Emotionally well people have the ability to express feelings freely and manage feelings effectively. They are also aware of and accept a wide range of feelings in themselves and others.

17 Emotional Can enjoy life despite its’ occasional ___________ and frustrations. Can adjust and cope with stress in a healthy way Can accept your ___________ Can ___________ and accept one’s own feelings

18 Spiritual The spiritual dimension recognizes our search for ___________ and purpose in human existence. It does not mean one is ___________, but that it is better to ponder the meaning of life and be ___________ of the beliefs of others than to close our minds and become intolerant. Spiritually well people take time out of their day for spiritual growth and learning. They have a clear sense of ___________, and they act accordingly.

19 Spiritual Is composed of ___________, virtues, values, and ___________. Can provide faith, hope, peace, comfort, optimism with life and its’ outcome Can see beyond the isolated event to envision the whole picture Sets realistic goals and go about reaching them with ___________, enthusiasm and determination

20 Occupational Occupational development is related to one’s attitude about one’s work, and recognizes ___________ ___________ and enrichment in one’s life through work. The choice of profession, job satisfaction, career ambitions and personal performance are all important components of this dimension. To be occupationally well, a person is ultimately doing exactly with what ___________ do in life and are comfortable with their future plans.

21 Occupational is the ability to get personal fulfillment from our jobs or our chosen career fields while still maintaining balance in our lives Our desire to ___________ in our careers to make a positive impact on the organizations we work in and to society as a whole leads to Occupational Wellness

22 Environmental This includes the ability to promote health measures that improve the standard of living and quality of life in the community, including laws and agencies that safeguard the physical environment. The environmentally well person is aware of the earth’s natural resources, conserves energy, buys organic foods and products, and enjoys and appreciates spending time in natural settings.

23 Environmental the ability to recognize our own responsibility for the quality of the air, the water and the land that surrounds us The ability to make a positive impact on the quality of our ___________ be it our homes, our communities or our planet contributes to our Environmental Wellness

24 Quality of Life Degree of overall ___________ that a person gets from life.

25 Longevity and conditions of Life Due to medical advances and improvements in Sanitation, we’re living longer: Born in the U.S. in 1900-live until age: ___________ Born in the U.S. in 1990-live until the age ___________

26 Common Health Problems (1900’s-20 th Century) 1. ___________ 2. Diptheria – Disease affecting throat 3. ___________ 4. TuberculosisTuberculosis

27 Wiped out by scientific advances, however, some of those advances lead the way to an age of convenience; a more ___________ (inactive) lifestyle….more alcohol consumption, and a diet rich in fats and sugars.

28 America’s New Health Problems (21 st Century) Chronic Diseases: 1. Heart Disease 2. Cancer 3. Diabetes 4. Emphysema 5. Cirrhosis of the liver

29 Focus 1900’s (20 th Century) ___________________________________

30 Focus –2000 (21 st Century) ___________

31 Message from U.S. Surgeon General’s Office Leading cause of premature death and illness in the U.S. could be prevented through positive lifestyle habits. The solution to those health problems is largely WITHIN OUR ___________

32 Facts ___________ dollars/year is spent on the nation’s healthcare U.S. spends more per capita on healthcare than any other country. The British spend 1/3 what we do per person and outlive us by 3 years. Of 20 countries researched, the typical American diet was highest of all in the % of fat, and lowest in dietary fiber. We are one of the fattest nations in the world.

33 Considering how much as a nation we spend on medical care, we should outshine the world in health and wellness, but we don’t.

34 WHY????? We have failed to make prevention a top ___________

35 Leading Cause of death amongst Adults ___________


37 Risk Factors Affecting Health Risk FactorExplanationExamples ___________The traits passed biologically from parent to child Diabetes Cancer Heart disease Environmental (Physical and Social) One’s physical and social surrounding conditions Drinking water Noise/air pollution friends Media ___________Conditions resulting from a person’s actions and decisions Smoking Not wearing seat belt High-fat diet

38 FACT U.S. has the highest rate in the world of: Heart disease ___________ of the colon, rectum, breast, and lung

39 FACTS Of all the Americans who die every year, only 10% die because of inadequate health care Only 20% die because of environmental or biological factors The rest die as a direct result of an unhealthy lifestyle- ___________

40 Lifestyle Factors Getting ___________ hours of sleep each night Starting each day with a healthy breakfast Eating a variety of nutritious foods each day Being physically active ___________ Maintaining healthy weight Avoiding tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs

41 Lifestyle Factors Abstaining from sexual activity before marriage ___________ stress Maintaining ___________ relationships Practicing safe behaviors to prevent injuries Fitting these health-promoting lifestyle factors into your life will help ensure a high level of wellness

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