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CHAPTER 17 The Americas, the Atlantic, and Africa 1530–1770.

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1 CHAPTER 17 The Americas, the Atlantic, and Africa 1530–1770

2 Spanish America and Brazil

3 Bellringer: Complete the map activity using pg. of the text book. Include the name of the colony, what country controlled it, and some of its main resources On the back of the map, explain what the Atlantic System was 5+lines

4 Discussion Question Discuss with your partner: Why would European nations sail and take control of land in the Americas?

5 The Three G’s Gold God Glory

6 In 1492 Columbus Sails the Ocean Blue.. Video: List two outcomes of Columbus’ voyage to the Americas while watching this video Who were the King and Queen of Spain? A Connected World The Columbian Exchange

7 Control by the Crown Spain tried to control from abroad Communication difficulty Creation of Viceroys

8 Colonial Bureaucracies Silver and Gold mines as well as sugar plantations were under the supervision of the crown Heavy taxes Justified exploitation by assuming obligation to convert native populations to Christianity

9 Catholic Church Played an important role in transferring European language, culture, and Christian beliefs to the New World. Converted large numbers of Amerindians Many Ameindians held onto native practices and beliefs Eventually moved focus to urban areas

10 Reforms Bartolome de Las Casas former settler turned priest Denounced Spanish policies toward the Amerindians Worked to improve the status of Amerindians

11 Society in Colonial Latin America The elite of Spanish America= small number of Spanish immigrants larger number of their American-born descendants (creoles). Cultural diversity and class differentiation within the Amerindian peoples eroded

12 People From Africa First came as free blacks or servants/slaves of Spanish settlers Quickly more were coming directly from Africa By early 17 th century, blacks were the largest ethnic group

13 Mixing of Races The growing population of individuals of mixed descent were known collectively as “castas.” Castas dominated mid-level work Some gained high status and wealth and adopted Spanish or Portuguese culture

14 Primary Source Reading Read through the source provided Complete question 1 Answer all parts of the question Use a separate sheet of paper 8+ lines response with text support

15 Imperial Reform After 1713 Spain’s new Bourbon dynasty undertook a series of administrative reforms including: Expanded intercolonial trade New commercial monopolies on certain goods A stronger navy Sought to reduce the power of the Catholic church

16 Resistance Many colonists saw reforms as an abuse of power Led to tax rebellions, urban riots, and Amerindian uprisings A more unfied colonial culture began to assert itself

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