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* Sankalp Diwas. * The very effective way of concluding the 150th Birth Anniversary celebrations of Swami Vivekananda * It is the time, when everyone.

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Presentation on theme: "* Sankalp Diwas. * The very effective way of concluding the 150th Birth Anniversary celebrations of Swami Vivekananda * It is the time, when everyone."— Presentation transcript:

1 * Sankalp Diwas

2 * The very effective way of concluding the 150th Birth Anniversary celebrations of Swami Vivekananda * It is the time, when everyone will make a pledge or resolve around personal development and contribution towards thoughts and message of Swami Vivekananda.

3 Neither an impromptu collective pledge, nor a pre-worded pratijna (Oath). Each one does his/her own sankalpa to imbibe in one's life a certain message from Swami ji's life and teachings.

4 Sankalp should be a silent and reflective movement. If you have confirmed the Sankalp then fine. If not..Then following are some ideas.

5 I will read Bhagwad Geeta and try to imbibe 2-3 key learnings in my life I will read One inspirational book monthly. I will improve my physical wellness by doing 13 Surya Namaskar everyday I will do 20 mins of pranayam everyday I will become good in my public speaking skills through knowledge and practice

6 I will learn Samskrit through self-study and practice. I will read 4-5 books over the year I will participate in (or organize) a Sewa activity every so often. I will attend the shakha /Balagokulam regularly. I will work to get rid of one my fears

7 I will visit at least one inspirational place in my Bharat trip. I will develop self-confidence and faith in myself by expanDiwasg my knowledge and picking my actions. I will work out regularly and be healthy. I will attend and complete one SSV this year I will learn some Bharateeya art /music.

8 Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti

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