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NL National Registry Bonn, June 2, 2003 Erwin Mulders.

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Presentation on theme: "NL National Registry Bonn, June 2, 2003 Erwin Mulders."— Presentation transcript:

1 NL National Registry Bonn, June 2, 2003 Erwin Mulders

2 We don’t have a registry yet… Erwin Mulders

3 NL planning 2003/2004 Legal Include emissions trading in env. law (end 2003) Generic But probably including NOx and CO2 provisions Including provisions on a National Emissions Authority Including National Registry ? Institutional Set up National Registry (for EU ETS + testing with ITL? - 2004) Work on functional specs Look at other Parties: buy / share costs / for free ? Establish link to ETL 2004 Establish link to ITL 2004 ? Recording CERs bought (as soon as possible) Set up National Emissions Authority (half 2004) Erwin Mulders

4 Monitoring and reporting Kyoto (Novem) Bureau for registration Bureau for inspection and enforcement (for installations) Erwin Mulders National Emissions Authority Permits Bureau <=><=> 4th bureau NEA ? National system GHG Aggregated data monitoring Kyoto compli- ance Registration NOx transactions Compli- ance NOx National Registry GHG Compli- ance EU ETS Registry EU ETS CO2 NOx Yearly Emissions Reports CO2 NOx emissions monitoring protocols

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