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Peripheral Vascular Disease November 30, 2005 Basic Science Review St.-Luke’s Roosevelt.

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1 Peripheral Vascular Disease November 30, 2005 Basic Science Review St.-Luke’s Roosevelt

2 ? 1. The primary cause of peripheral vascular disease is? A. Formation of new collaterals B. Neurohumoral responses which lead more efficient extraction of oxygen from the circulation. C. Decreased vascular resistance D. Increase in HCT

3 2. The most commonly affected extremity Vessel is? A. The CFA B. The Axillary Artery C. The Popliteal Artery D. The SFA

4 3. More specifically, which portion of the SFA is most prone to developing occlusive disease?

5 4. Intermittent Claudication? A. Is reproducible B. Usually lasts greater than 15 Min. after exercise is halted C. Is caused by an acute event such as embolism D. Is most commonly felt in the Hamstring/Thigh area

6 5. What percentage of patients with intermittent claudication progress to rest pain in the next 5 years? A. 50% B. 5-7% C. 30% D. >70%

7 6. Which is the number one preventable cause of peripheral occlusive disease? A. Diabetes Mellitus B. Hypogonadism C. Smoking D. Diet

8 7. What is the proposed mechanism for the compensation which occurs with exercise in patients with Intermittent Claudication? A. Formation of new collaterals B. Neurohumoral responses which lead more efficient extraction of oxygen from the circulation. C. Decreased vascular resistance D. Increase in HCT

9 8. The level of Intermittent Claudication is usually at the level of the occlusion?

10 9. What test is the gold standard for evaluating Lower Extremity Ischemic Disease? A. Pulse Volume Recordings B. ABIs C. Angiography D. MRA

11 10. Why is ABI falsely elevated in diabetic patients? A. Peripheral Neuropathy B. Calcification of vessels C. Intimal Hyperplasia

12 11. What non-invasive test is more reliable than ABIs in Diabetic patients?

13 12. Which of the following drugs are used to treat PVD? A. Carnitine B. ASA C. Pentoxyphiline D. Plavix

14 13. Which of the following are true about Ischemic Rest pain? A. Dependent Rubor B. Claudication C. Hair Loss D. Abnormal Nail Growth

15 14. Which of the following are symptoms or signs of advanced ischemia? A. Dependent Rubor (T) B. Claudication (F) C. Hair Loss (T) D. Abnormal Nail Growth (T)

16 15.What are the complications of angiography? A. Contrast Hypersensitivity B. Liver Toxicity C. AVF D. Embolism

17 16. What is the most common cause of mortality in patients who undergo peripheral Bypass grafting? A. PE B. Stroke C. MI D. Hemorrhage

18 17. What is an absolute indication for bypass surgery ? A. Inhibition of patient lifestyle or ability to work B. Intermittent Claudication C. Gangrene D. Rest Pain

19 18. Which material has the best prolonged patency rate, when used for lower extremity bypass surgery? A. Gortex B. PTFE C. Dacron D. Marlex

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