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Uretreoscopy & Cystoscopy BY Hannah Pitman and Zoe Beaudoin.

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Presentation on theme: "Uretreoscopy & Cystoscopy BY Hannah Pitman and Zoe Beaudoin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Uretreoscopy & Cystoscopy BY Hannah Pitman and Zoe Beaudoin

2 What is the test? Tube is inserted into the urethra Urethroscope

3 What does it test for? Kidney stones

4 When is it ordered? Stones are stuck in the ureter Close to the bladder and kidney

5 What do the results mean? Show location of kidney stones May be in a problem area Removal?

6 What are kidney stones? Hard mineral and crystalline material Formed in kidney Causes blood in the urine Abdominal pain

7 Risks Injury to ureter or enlarged prostate UTI’s Bleeding Abdominal pain Not possible/ difficult if surgery to ab. or pelvis

8 What is the test? cystoscope lense insterted focuses on insider of UT

9 What Does it test for? Tests for a urinary problem mainly focused on insider of urinary tract

10 wHEN IS IT ORDERED Blood in urine, stone in urinary tract loss of bladder control overactive bladder frequen UTI’s cells found in urine sample need for bladder catheter sone in

11 What do results mean? It does not cure problems but allows doctors to see what is going on inside the urinary tract

12 Procedure anestia is used no food must be consumed test done under local anesthetic two different scopes may be used scope passed into bladder then urinary tract where it is view

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