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Diabetes Mellitus Josh Dembowitz AP Biology 12 3/24/08.

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1 Diabetes Mellitus Josh Dembowitz AP Biology 12 3/24/08

2 What is Diabetes? Disease characterized by high blood sugar Role of insulin- key to understanding the disease Disease affecting, among others, the circulatory, endocrine, and excretory systems of the body




6 Symptoms The three P’s: polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia Weight loss (Type I), fatigue, blurred vision, coma (diabetic shock), poor circulation, renal failure Recent-onset of polyuria and polydipsia, along with weight loss

7 Diagnosing Diabetes Use one of two tests- fasting plasma glucose (126 mg/dL), plasma glucose level after oral glucose load (above 200 mg/dL)



10 Diabetes and the Eye



13 Circulation: Diabetic Foot

14 Type I Diabetes Many names 10% of cases in Western World Distinguishing characteristic: loss of insulin-producing beta cells of islets of Langerhans in the pancreas Unknown trigger



17 Type I Diabetes (cont’d) Treatment: Insulin injections, blood glucose level monitoring AWARENESS AND EDUCATION ARE CRUCIAL No cure, but lifestyle adjustments crucial

18 Type II Diabetes Resistance to insulin as well as decreased production Linkage to several physiological factors Treatment varies depending on severity

19 Gestational Diabetes Similar to Type II in resemblance 2-5% frequency Dangerous if untreated, especially for baby Shoulder distosia, induced labor common

20 Can We Find a Cure? Only “cure” for Type I- after transplant Stem cells, transplant of beta cells Gastric bypass surgery

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