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TRADITIONAL SPECIALITY GUARANTEED – Polish Experience Prague, 12-13 March 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "TRADITIONAL SPECIALITY GUARANTEED – Polish Experience Prague, 12-13 March 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRADITIONAL SPECIALITY GUARANTEED – Polish Experience Prague, 12-13 March 2009

2 TSG in the European Union TSG created by regulation 2082/92 TSG is a young system - in comparison to geographical indications The idea of protecting agricultural products due to their origin and link with „terroir” well known and established in domestic law of many European countries

3 TSG in the European Union 19 registered names, 4 applications on an objection procedure, 20 lodged Since 2004 number of applications has increased over 30% New Member States are interested in developing TSG Common factors in the NMS history

4 Roots in history Migrations of people – changes of borders, resettlements 50 years of standarisation Years of empty shelfs Many products were torn out from their original geographic area Still, their bond with nations’ identities is very strong

5 TSG in Poland Food quality policy in Poland – 2004 PDO – PGI – TSG – introduced to Polish law in the same time and is regulated by the Act of 17 december 2004 on registration and protection of names and indications of agriculture products and foodstuffs and traditional products

6 Diffiuculties? Establishing of group of producers Finding common method of prodction, established in history Not every product can apply – requirements of article 4 of the regulation 509/2006 as regards products and the names

7 Why so popular? Quality policy becomes more and more important in Poland Information campaign on PDO/PGI/TSG systems in 2006 Participation in food quality schemes is particulary important for local societies as they help to develop their economic potential.

8 Why so popular? European schemes better known and appreciated by consumers. European logo means high quality. TSG - a warrant of a well known taste. Marketing tool.

9 Why so popular? Polish products applying for or registered as TSG are very well known by every Pole. These are products with a long tradition, deep-rooted in Polish identity and history.


11 MEADS: półtorak, dwójniak, trójniak, czwórniak. Registered by regulation (CE) n° 729/2008 of 28 July 2008. Names cover specific character and historically established composition of meads: propotion of honey and water used

12 Półtorak, dwójniak, trójniak, czwórniak Mead production in Poland has a thousand-year old tradition and many varieties. The history of their production dates back to the beginnings of Poland’s statehood. In 966 the Spanish diplomat, merchant and traveller, Abraham Ibn Jacob, wrote: “Beside the abundance of food, meat and land for ploughing, the country of Mieszko I abounds in mead, which is how the Slavic wines and intoxicating drinks are called”

13 Olej rydzowy – Camelina oil Olej rydzowy – Camelina oil First published in the OJ C of 25 September 2008 Because of the rusty colour of the Camelina sativa seeds we call the oil made from them ‘olej rydzowy’

14 Olej rydzowy – Camelina oil The tradition of pressing Camelina oil (or gold- of-pleasure oil) goes back a very long time. Archaeological discoveries have shown that it was obtained in VII century. It is characteristic of its specific taste with an onion and mustard flavour. Pleasant, moderately strong, clean essence without any strange odour. The best is served with herrings.

15 Pierekaczewnik First published in the OJ C of 25 September 2008 Name pierekaczewnik comes from the verb pierekatywat’, which in Belarusian and Russian means to roll up.

16 Pierekaczewnik It derives from the territory of the former borderlands of the Republic of Poland, inhabited by numerous nationalities: Poles, Lithuanians, Russians, Byelorussians, Ukrainians, Jews and Tatars and comes from the Tatrs’ cuisine. The specificity of pierekaczewnik stems from a unique structure of the pastry (very thin layers) and its specific shape and size resembling a snail.

17 Suasages: jałowcowa, kabanosy, myśliwska Under examination procedure

18 Suasages: jałowcowa, kabanosy, myśliwska Products best known in Poland Specific character stems from a number of features characteristic such as high quality ingredients: tender pork meat and spices which give unique flavour and aroma.

19 Thank you for your kind attention. Magdalena Głodek Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi +48 22 623 22 08

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