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Development and Implementation of the WIGOS Data Quality Monitoring System (WDQMS) Doc. 4.4 ICG-WIGOS Task Team on the Plan for the WIGOS Pre- operational.

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Presentation on theme: "Development and Implementation of the WIGOS Data Quality Monitoring System (WDQMS) Doc. 4.4 ICG-WIGOS Task Team on the Plan for the WIGOS Pre- operational."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development and Implementation of the WIGOS Data Quality Monitoring System (WDQMS) Doc. 4.4 ICG-WIGOS Task Team on the Plan for the WIGOS Pre- operational Phase – Second Session (TT-PWPP-2) Geneva, 15-17 September 2015 WIGOS Project Office, WMO Secretariat

2 Outcomes from the WIGOS Workshop on Quality Monitoring and Incident Management, 10-12 Dec 2014, Geneva, Switzerland Goal: reviewing the current international QMS of the GOS towards its modernization and establishment of practices associated with incident management Workshop agreed: - to focus on the surface component of the GOS; - the Incident Management System (IMS) should be integrated with the DQMS and its outputs, and should facilitate feedback between data users, the monitoring and lead centres and observing system operators and managers, - the WDQMS should comprise various levels: the Monitoring centres, the WMO Lead Centres and the Regional and National Centres. Workshop drafted a Roadmap and timeline: - presented to and considered by ICG-WIGOS-4 who agreed that the initial WDQMS should focus on the GOS surface observing components based on the NWP Centres by mid-2016, - includes two pilot-projects, which correspond to the two basic components of the WDQMS for the GOS that can be developed separately but not independently: > GOS Quality Monitoring (QM) Pilots, to be developed in 2015, with ECMWF, NCEP, others; > GOS Incident Management System (IMS) Pilots, to be developed in 2015 – 2 regional pilot IMS in association with the GOS QM Pilot (the first one to be in RA I)

3 The status of the development of the Pilot projects Representatives from ECMWF, NCEP, ET-SBO and WMO Secretariat took the first steps towards the development of the GOS Quality Monitoring Pilot: a) developing automatic procedure to process and make available the monitoring results for surface observations (SYNOP) every 6 hours in near real time; b) analysis and processing the results to produce outputs available as maps, tables and graphics on a web portal, and as input to the GOS Incident Management System Pilot; The proposed preliminary outputs are meant to raise questions and trigger discussion about what are the requirements and capabilities of the WDQMS web-portal. Remote ad hoc discussions have taken place with representatives from ECMWF, USA, (NCEP), UK, Germany, Kenya, where the practical issues and the way forward have been discussed and development continues. A proposal for the GOS Implementation of the Global WDQMS is under preparation for discussion by IPET-WIFI/SG-QM (1-4 September, Exeter, UK), and by ET-SBO (5-8 October, Tokyo, Japan).

4 The status of the GOS QM Pilot project i) Two global NWP Centres are producing data quality (and availability) monitoring results in near real time (ECMWF and NCEP) and a third Centre is preparing to do the same at short-term (DWD); ii) web-based visualization tools for the NRT analysis of the monitoring results have been proposed: - selectable options, to become available for interactive users; - the layouts and contents of maps and tables; - mock-up of a monitoring homepage with results plotted on maps, tables, a time- series graphic; iii) Major issues identified to date are: a. Baseline(s) should be established to be used for mapping the results of the monitoring, e.g. the stations list from Vol.A/OSCAR and/or the list of the recently received/active stations; b. Clarify interface between WDQMS and WIS monitoring and with OSCAR; c. Operational requirements and resources – relation with the Regional WIGOS Centres (RWC).

5 The status of the GOS IMS Pilot project The plans, including scope and requirements are under discussion. The functional and technical specifications for a global IMS are being drafted; Intention to identify an off-the-shelf or existing IMS that might be applied and assessed in the IMS pilots. A second WDQMS workshop dedicated to the GOS is planned for November 2015, with the goal to discuss and refine the development of the QM and IMS pilot projects and to prepare recommendations to submit to ICG-WIGOS-5 in early 2016.

6 Current plans and perspectives for the broader WDQMS The GOS QM and IMS Pilots: planned to be concluded by end 2015/early 2016: - Outcomes to be reported to ICG-WIGOS-5 for consideration and guidance for the further development; - Then, implementation of the WDQMS for the surface-based components of the GOS should start in various regions; A detailed plan is needed: necessary technical and human resources, taking into account the current CBS structure of Lead Centres and the development and implementation of the Regional WIGOS Centre (RWC). The detailed plan for both QM and IMS, should include the development and update of regulatory and guidance materials for the implementation at regional/national level “Pre-operational” phase of the QM component for the surface-based GOS: -a web portal running under the control of WMO Secretariat for a few months in 2016, until volunteer Member(s)/Centre(s) are found with appropriate resources; -towards the end of 2016 operations are expected to be passed on to other entities, after development/adjustments and installation of software and hardware.

7 Current plans and perspectives for the broader WDQMS (all WIGOS components) TT-PWPP-2 is invited to consider and support the establishment of an ICG- WIGOS Task Team on the WDQMS (TT-WDQMS): - to build on results and lessons-learned from the pilot projects, from 2016 onwards; - should include the experts currently working on the pilot projects, as well as representatives from the other WIGOS component observing systems (GAW, Hydrology, JCOMMOPS, GCW and GCOS); - this task team would lead the further development of the WDQMS, including organizing the series of workshops proposed by ICG-WIGOS for 2016. Further aspects for consideration and discussion for the WDQMS: i) How to operationally integrate the monitoring of the GOS space-based observations with the GOS surface-based observations in the WDQMS; ii) How to revise and further develop and implement, in an operational and integrated way, the various monitoring (sub-)systems for the non-GOS components (GAW, Hydrology, JCOMMOPS, GCW and GCOS) with the GOS component; iii) How to articulate the WDQMS global/regional structure, including the RWC, for the different operational structures of the various WIGOS component observing systems (GOS, GAW, Hydrology, JCOMMOPS, GCW and GCOS);




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