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L21: Project Steering Committee Kickoff Meeting 9/4/12.

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Presentation on theme: "L21: Project Steering Committee Kickoff Meeting 9/4/12."— Presentation transcript:

1 L21: Learning@Dartmouth Project Steering Committee Kickoff Meeting 9/4/12

2 L21: Learning@Dartmouth Project Objectives What are we trying to accomplish?  Develop a vision of how a learning management system should support current and future teaching and learning activities at Dartmouth.  Identify Dartmouth's specific learning management system requirements and considerations.  Evaluate viable learning management system options and recommend a solution that best meets Dartmouth's requirements.  Confirm solution choice and develop implementation plan.



5 L21 Guiding Principles Activity What should be the guiding principles for a learning management system at Dartmouth, considering current and future needs. What should such a system be able to accomplish? What is its main purpose? What should it be able to do for teaching and learning? What are the main characteristics and attributes? Think big, think bold! You can write down single words, phrases, sentences…


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