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EGNRET Page 1 EWG 49 Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, 22-26 June 2015 EGNRET EWG 40 Brunei Darussalam 22-26 November, 2010 EGNRET EWG 49 Gyeongju, Republic.

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Presentation on theme: "EGNRET Page 1 EWG 49 Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, 22-26 June 2015 EGNRET EWG 40 Brunei Darussalam 22-26 November, 2010 EGNRET EWG 49 Gyeongju, Republic."— Presentation transcript:

1 EGNRET Page 1 EWG 49 Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, 22-26 June 2015 EGNRET EWG 40 Brunei Darussalam 22-26 November, 2010 EGNRET EWG 49 Gyeongju, Republic of Korea 22-26 June 2015 Progress Report of the APEC Expert Group on New & Renewable Technologies 24-25 June 2015 EWG 49 Agenda Item 9(a) Keng-Tung Wu, PhD EGNRET Secretariat

2 EGNRET Page 2 EWG 49 Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, 22-26 June 2015 EGNRET Page 2 EWG 49 Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, 22-26 June 2015 EGNRET Activities Since EWG 48 EGNRET 44: April 13 to 16, 2015, Laoag, The Philippines Meeting Theme: Strategy and Roadmap for PV Systems in Each APEC Economy 8 Member Economies attended the meeting: Hong Kong, China, Japan, Korea, The Philippines, Singapore, Chinese Taipei, Thailand, and United States. Other parties attended the meeting including APEC Secretariat, EGEDA, APERC, IRENA, and ICA.

3 EGNRET Page 3 EWG 49 Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, 22-26 June 2015 EGNRET Page 3 EWG 49 Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, 22-26 June 2015 EGNRET Activities Since EWG 48 EGNRET 44: April 13 to 16, 2015, Laoag, The Philippines Workshop: APEC Workshop on Capacity Building for Installers and System Designers for Solar PV Rooftop Installations- Final Dissemination Workshop Meeting presentations are available on the EGNRET website: tml tml

4 EGNRET Page 4 EWG 49 Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, 22-26 June 2015 EGNRET Page 4 EWG 49 Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, 22-26 June 2015 Topic Discussed at EGNRET 44 APEC Projects The Latest Submission Process The appropriate Funding Categories for EGNRET projects The Trend of Renewables under Low Oil Price Circumstances Strategy on Doubling Renewable Energy Goal in APEC Region

5 EGNRET Page 5 EWG 49 Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, 22-26 June 2015 EGNRET Page 5 EWG 49 Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, 22-26 June 2015 Topic Discussed at EGNRET 44 The Trend of Renewables under Low Oil Price Circumstances  The falling oil price has led to lots of speculation about the impact of falling oil prices on the world's efforts to cut emissions by decarbonising the energy sector.  The overall price of fossil fuel is going up in the whole fossil fuel price history. It is unpredictable and may impact RE development in the short term.  The future cost reductions and policy driven initiatives of renewables will be more critical.

6 EGNRET Page 6 EWG 49 Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, 22-26 June 2015 EGNRET Page 6 EWG 49 Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, 22-26 June 2015 Topic Discussed at EGNRET 44 Strategy on Doubling Renewable Energy Goal in APEC Region  See Agenda Item 9(d)

7 EGNRET Page 7 EWG 49 Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, 22-26 June 2015 EGNRET Page 7 EWG 49 Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, 22-26 June 2015 Success Rate of EGNRET Project Submission Approved (%) Session 83.3% 50% 100% 23% 14.3% 70% EGNRET

8 Page 8 EWG 49 Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, 22-26 June 2015 EGNRET Page 8 EWG 49 Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, 22-26 June 2015 EGNRET Project Update (2013-2015) StatusProjectsNote Completed 16 2013: 15 (incl. 1 self-funded) 2014: 1 (self-funded) On-going 4 4 projects in 2014 Concept Note for Session 1, 2015 Proposed: 10 Approved: 7 * 1 self-funded project proposed in Session 1, 2015

9 EGNRET Page 9 EWG 49 Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, 22-26 June 2015 EGNRET Page 9 EWG 49 Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, 22-26 June 2015 APEC Low Carbon Town Plan and Design ContestChinaEWG 01 2013S APEC Low Carbon Model Town Capacity Building DevelopmentChinaEWG 05 2013A Promote APEC Low Carbon Town Development with District Energy SystemChinaEWG 07 2013A APEC Photovoltaic Application Roadmap and Model Study (PVARM)ChinaEWG 11 2013A APEC Low-Carbon Model Town Development Model and Tool Kit Study (LCMT-DMTK) ChinaEWG 13 2013A APEC Photovoltaic Communication and Cooperation Platform (PVCCP)ChinaEWG 16 2013A Study of APEC Low Carbon Model Town Development Index System ChinaEWG 21 2013A District Energy Systems Development Roadmap Study in APEC EconomiesChinaEWG 24 2013A APEC Low-Carbon Model Town Heating System Application Model and Best Practices ChinaEWG 25 2013A APEC Low-Carbon Model Town Energy Management System Development and Application Research China EWG 20 2013A Completed Projects (2013-2014)

10 EGNRET Page 10 EWG 49 Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, 22-26 June 2015 EGNRET Page 10 EWG 49 Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, 22-26 June 2015 APEC Low Carbon Model Town (LCMT) Promotion through Eco-Point Program (LCMT-EPP) ThailandEWG 10 2013A APEC Smart DC Community Power Opportunity AssessmentThailand EWG 06 2013A Capacity building for installers and system designers for solar PV rooftop installations USAEWG 22 2013A APEC Workshop on Promoting the Development of Wind EnergyViet NamEWG 14 2013A APEC Conference on Facilitating the Solar Supply ChainViet NamEWG 23 2013A 2014 APEC Workshop on Biodiesel Application ExperiencesChinese Taipei EWG 01 2014S Workshops with EGNRET 43 Completed Projects (2013-2014)

11 EGNRET Page 11 EWG 49 Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, 22-26 June 2015 EGNRET Page 11 EWG 49 Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, 22-26 June 2015 On-going Projects: 4 EWG 01 2014A APEC Peer Review on Low-Carbon Energy Policies (PRLCE), Phase 3 Japan EWG 02 2014A APEC Public-Private Dialogue on Addressing Impediments in Financing Renewable Energy Viet Nam EWG 03 2014A APEC Photovoltaic System Best Practices and Latest Development Comparative Study (PV-BPLD) China EWG 07 2014A Realization of APEC Low Carbon Model Town through Smart Grid Development (LCMT-SGD) Thailand

12 EGNRET Page 12 EWG 49 Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, 22-26 June 2015 EGNRET Page 12 EWG 49 Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, 22-26 June 2015 Project Proposed Economy Research of Power Generation with Groundbreaking Biomass Fuel Cell TechnologyChina APEC Building Mounted PV Best Practices and Latest Development Comparative Study ( BMPV-BPLD ) China Energy Safety in APECThailand Small and Medium PV system database in the APEC RegionThailand Ethanol Trade Development as part of APEC’s renewable fuel strategyUSA APEC Workshop on Promoting the Development of Biomass EnergyViet Nam APEC Workshop on Promoting the Development of Wind Energy, phase 2 – Public Private Partnership for Wind Energy Development Viet Nam Development of the market for fuel ethanol as part of APEC’s renewable fuel strategy (Self-funded) USA EGNRET Project CN for Session 1, 2015

13 EGNRET Page 13 EWG 49 Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, 22-26 June 2015 EGNRET Page 13 EWG 49 Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, 22-26 June 2015 Thank you for your attention! EGNRET website:

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