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Reconciliation of Converted Data as of April 30, 2014 Version Date: 8/2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Reconciliation of Converted Data as of April 30, 2014 Version Date: 8/2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reconciliation of Converted Data as of April 30, 2014 Version Date: 8/2014

2 Verifying your revenue and expense balances at conversion An initial step in any conversion is to verify that your departmental revenues and expenses converted in full –Accounting Services and Grants and Contracts Financial Services verified 100% of revenue and expenses as of the conversion date We did not verify the budget, department, fund –Departments should be able to go to their Budget Overview and also review their cost center/projects and feel comfortable that all of their data migrated –Need to reconcile your revenue and expenses 2

3 Reconciliation of Converted Data The Budget Overview is your best source for reviewing the individual data We recommend that you view your data with ledger inquiry set OPE_OPR –Provides a snapshot of the expenses side by side with revenue 3

4 Other Information to note –In DEFINE, if you had a balance forward amount, that came into PS as your Budget If you have a budgeted amount, plus a balance forward amount, you need to add that together to come to your PS Budget –If you do not have budgeted revenue, but collect revenue during the year, this revenue will need to be associated with your expenses (example 2) – this is only revenue collected, not revenue that may have been a balance forward –In DEFINE your budget groups could have multiple NACUBO codes. In PS, this is split into individual cost centers. You will have to add these together in order to reconcile back to DEFINE (example 3) –Encumbrances had to be keyed into PS manually. Your PS encumbrance amount may not match what is in DEFINE 4

5 Budget Overview - Create the Inquiry 1.Navigate to the Budget Overview page 2.Select the tab Add a New Value 1 2 3 4 3.Enter a name in the Inquiry Name field 4.Select the Add button Main Menu >> Commitment Control >> Review Budget Activities >> Budget Overview 5

6 Budget Overview – Initial Inquiry Setup 5.Enter a Description 6.Leave the default Business Unit (UTSA1) 7.Choose Ledger Inquiry Set from the Ledger Group/Set dropdown list 8.Enter OPE_OPR in Ledger Group field 5 6 7 8 6

7 9.From the *Type of Calendar dropdown, select Detail Accounting Period 10.Change the From Period for OPE and OPR rows (1 = September) 9 10 11 11.Change the To Period for OPE and OPR to rows (8 = April) Leave checkbox defaults as shown (Including Adjustment Period(s) checked and Include Closing Adjustments unchecked) Budget Overview – Initial Inquiry Setup (cont.) 7

8 12.In Section C the Chartfield value column enter the Cost Center 13.In Section D select the Search Button (at the top of the page) 13 12 Budget Overview – Initial Inquiry Setup (cont.) 8

9 (-) (+) Budget Overview– Inquiry Results (OPE/OPR Shown from September to April 2014) 9

10 Budget Overview– Inquiry Results (Associated Revenue Cost Center Example) Associated & Recognized Revenue will appear as shown 10

11 Other Miscellaneous information regarding the Budget Overview In reviewing your data, it may be helpful to understand the document labels –Converted data is labeled CNV, with a few exceptions Post conversion: –Payroll journals are labeled as HPY –Treasury journals that feed from Banner (formerly VC2’s) are labeled as UTZ 11

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