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Ms. Combs - Social Studies Mr. Jones - Math Mrs. Turley - Science Ms. Lauder - Language Arts.

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2 Ms. Combs - Social Studies Mr. Jones - Math Mrs. Turley - Science Ms. Lauder - Language Arts

3 Pretty Simple Around 6B Respect  Be Kind to Everyone  Do the Right Thing Always Give Us Your Best

4 During the 2013-14 school year we will be implementing a web-based resource called Defined STEM in Academic Lab *What is STEM? STEM is an acronym that stands for science, technology, engineering, and math. *What is DefinedSTEM? DefinedSTEM is a web-based resource from Defined Learning, an educational company with roots in both media and curriculum development. The Kyrene School District has purchased a subscription allowing access to this resource. Defined STEM is a project-based learning curriculum based around a career theme. It depicts real-world jobs and how science and math would be used in those jobs. It aligns with state standards, national standards, and the new Common Core standards. Chef Civil Engineering – Water Treatment Floral Design Historian Horse Rancher Hydro Engineering Solar Power Landscape Architect Scientific Reseacher *Link to the Defined STEM website.Defined STEM website. *Fridays all students will watch CNM (Campus News)

5 What is Common Core?  a set of standards defining the knowledge and skills that students from pre-kindergarten to 12 th grade need to master each year to be prepared for the next grade, and ultimately college or work.  Standards same in all states 

6 Provides students will extra help  Assignments  Finish work  Type papers  Printers, internet, computers avaliable Available Monday – Friday from 8am to 9am Students must arrive at the front gate promptly at 8:00 am where they will be greeted by a teacher and escorted upstairs. Late students will not be admitted.

7 All students are able to try out for all sports this year  Fall  Cross country  JV/V Soccer  JV/V Volleyball  Winter  JV/V Basketball  JV/V Softball  JV/V Cheer

8 Multicultural Fair Dodge ball Tournament Patriotic Day School Dances Spirit Assemblies

9 Grades  Current grades/progress are available online through Parent Vue & Student Vue  Watch for Weekly 6B News Email  Can check your child’s progress at any time  Password and login information mailed to you Report Card/Progress Report  At end of each quarter

10 Conferences are scheduled throughout the year  Your child will come home with information regarding a parent/teacher meeting.  No news is good news! Communicating  Email is the best way to contact the teachers  Phone messages have a 24 hour turn around time  All visits to the school must be scheduled in advance

11 Please send a note and have your student drop it off in the office before school. They will be given a pass and will be waiting for you when you need to pick them up.

12 Paying for student lunches is now available online Directions “Quicklinks School lunch menu Pay for lunches online

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