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Learning Intention: Understand how trees are converted and why they need to be seasoned.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Intention: Understand how trees are converted and why they need to be seasoned."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Intention: Understand how trees are converted and why they need to be seasoned.

2 Conversion After trees are cut down they are transported to saw-mills to be converted into boards. https:/ /www. youtub watch? v=SQo bzdCN DgQ&f eature =player _embe dded

3 Conversion The process of turning logs into boards is known as conversion. There are 2 main methods of conversion: Through and Through Sawing Quarter Sawing

4 Task Find out what the difference is between Through and Through Sawing and Quarter Sawing You might be called upon to explain to the rest of the class!

5 Through and Through Sawing

6 Quarter Sawing

7 https:/ /www. youtub watch? v=VvU PJPFg4 wM&f eature =player _embe dded

8 Task In pairs discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each method. Look carefully at the images.

9 Through and Through Sawing AdvantagesDisadvantages Low cost and fastNot suitable for structural timber Little wastage Cupping is a problem Reveals attractive grain pattern, especially in softwoods.

10 Quarter Sawing AdvantagesDisadvantages An attractive grain pattern is produced Expensive, as the log has to be first quartered then turned for every cut. Boards are more stable and shrink less Because the log is quartered then cut again narrower boards are produced

11 Seasoning

12 When timber is first felled (cut down) it is known as green timber and has a very high moisture content – approx 50%. Before it can be used it must be dried. This process is known as seasoning. The aim of seasoning is to dry out the wood to a suitable moisture content of 22% or less.

13 Reasons why wood is seasoned prevents a lot of fungal and insect attack

14 Reasons why wood is seasoned prevents splitting

15 Reasons why wood is seasoned means the timber is less lightly to distort or warp later

16 Reasons why wood is seasoned makes timber easier to work with, because it is lighter, harder and stronger.

17 Task The two main ways to season wood are: Natural (air) Seasoning Kiln Seasoning Find out what the difference is You might be called upon to explain to the rest of the class!

18 Natural (air) Seasoning

19 Kiln Seasoning

20 yer_embedded&v=oxNBJv7_Kvg

21 Task Look through your notes and using all the new stuff you’ve learnt write some questions. We’ll use these for our end-of-lesson quiz. Example – what is this wood defect called?

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