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Week Six Agenda Announcements (in-class question) Link of the week Review week four lab assignment This week’s expected outcomes Next lab assignment Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Week Six Agenda Announcements (in-class question) Link of the week Review week four lab assignment This week’s expected outcomes Next lab assignment Review."— Presentation transcript:


2 Week Six Agenda Announcements (in-class question) Link of the week Review week four lab assignment This week’s expected outcomes Next lab assignment Review mid-term exam Break-out problems Upcoming deadlines Lab assistance, questions and answers

3 Week five review Arithmetic Expressions (Korn Shell) expression <= expression Less than or equal to. expression >= expression Greater than or equal to. expression< expression Less than. expression > expression Greater than. expression != expression Not equal to. expression & expression Bitwise and.

4 Week five review Conditional Expression (Korn Shell) Conditional expression primitives are uniary and binary expressions that evaluate to True and False. -r file True if file is exist and is readable. -w file True if file exists and writeable. -x file True if file exists and is executable -f file True if file exists and is a regular file. -d file True if file exists and is a directory. Example: if [ -f $2 ] then … fi

5 Week five review test string1 = string2 True if string1 equals string2. test string1 != string2 True if string1 is not equal to string2. test string1 < string2 True if string1 comes before string2 based on the ASCII value of their characters. test string1 > string2 True if string1 comes after string2 based on the ASCII value of their characters. expl –eq exp2 True if the arithmetic values equal. expl –ne exp2 True if the arithmetic values don’t equal.

6 Week five review Example: while test “$1” do … done test –w then … fi

7 Link of the week This article describes how security can be achieved through design and engineering Firewalls, Safe Word authentication products, Internet filtering products like Smart Filter, Bess, and Webwasher

8 Link of the week Define: Trusted System Define: Trusted Computing Where are trusted systems utilized? How are trusted systems utilized?

9 Review week five lab assignment

10 Define a make command Define the makefile Comments within a makefile (#) makefile continuation lines (\) Rule tells make both when and how to make a file Dependency Line is a line with a colon (:) contains the make command which calls the makefile Demonstrate makefile script under ~dandrear/temp (Einstein)

11 Review week five lab assignment What is the makefile utility used for? Other software products that perform similar bundling operations - ANT developed by Apache Jakarta - ANT2 supplied from the Free Software Foundation which is part of Red Hat. What is a dependency between source files? main.cpp  employee.cpp  address.cpp What are the two parts of a dependency rule? 1) What files a file is dependent on 2) Rule that tells how to recompile the file What are the differences between a makefile and a shell script? The rules in a makefile are executed based on dependency, and not sequential order. Scripts execute in sequential order.

12 Review week five lab assignment Target : Dependencies (prerequisites) Rule prog:a.o b.o c.o g++ a.o b.o c.o -ly –o prog a.o: prog.h a.c g++ –c prog.h a.c b.o:prog.h b.c g++ –c prog.h b.c c.o:c.c g++ –c c.c c.c:c.y yacc c.y mv c.c

13 Review week five lab assignment


15 Key Points About Makefile 1.Makefile recompiles all source files for a project. 2.Makefile only recompiles files that have been changed. 3.Bottom up control flow 4.Rules may be complex shell commands

16 Review week five lab assignment Key Points About Perl 1.Dynamic typing 2.Dynamic allocation of memory for arrays and hash tables 3.Both procedural and object oriented programming capabilities 4.Rich third party software and use of modules

17 Review week five lab assignment Regular expression (a.k.a. regex or regexp) Is a pattern that describes a certain amount of text. A basic regular expression could be the single character, e.g.: a Jane is a women. It will match the first occurrence in the string. If succeeding matches are desired, the regex engine must be instructed to do so.

18 Review week five lab assignment Perl Hash table is an unordered set of scalars, accessed by some string value that is associated with each scalar. %colormap=( “12” => “gray”, “19” => “black”, “30” => “red”,); %colormap = (“12”, “gray”, “19”, “black”, “30”, “red”);

19 Review week five lab assignment

20 Week six expected outcomes Upon successful completion of this module, the student will be able to: Create makefile scripts for software programs. Use pattern rules in make files. Create an effective PowerPoint presentation. Create make files with multiple targets. Install software packages on a server.

21 Next lab assignment Installing software under UNIX is not always straightforward and easy. System administrators must be familiar with the layout of the file system. During a software installation, the possibility exists that the system could panic and/or have a hard disk failure.

22 Next lab assignment Installation Software Package Methods Package manager - What are the tasks of a package manager? - The version of UNIX dictates which package manager will be used. - Many Linux versions utilize the Debian Package Manager. Manual - The utilization of makefiles or shell scripts to automate the install as much as possible. - On occasion, the installation of software is done by sending the source code to the site. - What steps are required to install a new software version? - How is a “configure” script utilized?

23 Next Lab Assignment shell Kernel Hardware Assembler Firmware

24 Break-out problems touch command dot command dot dot command What function does the makefile provide a project? What are the two parts of a dependency rule? What language is used for writing makefile rules? What two methods are used for installing software packages? What is a regular expression American National Standard Institute (ANSI)

25 Upcoming deadlines Mid-Term review (True/False, Multiple choice, scripts, and on-liners) Mid-term exam dates June 8 - 13. makefile Exercise, 6-2 is due June 14. Create the five files referred to in Lab Assignment 6-1. Programming Assignment 1, 6-1 is due June 21. Installation Exercise, 8-1 is due June 28.

26 Questions and answers Questions Comments Concerns Are there questions regarding the mid- term outline? After class I will help students with their scripts.

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