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March 2005EC Presentation1 Data, Information and Process Integration with Semantic Web Services Technical Presentation IST Project Number : FP6 – 507483.

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Presentation on theme: "March 2005EC Presentation1 Data, Information and Process Integration with Semantic Web Services Technical Presentation IST Project Number : FP6 – 507483."— Presentation transcript:

1 March 2005EC Presentation1 Data, Information and Process Integration with Semantic Web Services Technical Presentation IST Project Number : FP6 – 507483 Funded by Unit E2 Knowledge Management and Content Creation

2 March 2005EC Presentation2 Contents Key Objectives DIP Research Paradigm Overview of WSMO Achievements –Conceptual Achievements –Architectural Achievements –Implementation Achievements –Ontological Achievements –Case Study Achievements –Dissemination and Training Achievements New DIP Structure Realignment of DIP Workplan Summary

3 March 2005EC Presentation3 Key Objectives Open Source Architecture –DIP Architecture, DIP API, Tools Team Tools (individual and comprehensive) –Hybrid Reasoning tool, IRS III, WSML editor, Standards Impact –SDK Cluster Standards Group Real Use Case Implementations –Mockups at 6

4 March 2005EC Presentation4 DIP Research Paradigm Framework/Theory Implementation Users Grounded Research

5 March 2005EC Presentation5 Top Level Notions Provide the formally specified terminology of the information used by all other components Semantic description of Web Services: - Capability (functional) - Interfaces (usage) Objectives that a client may have when consulting a Web Service Connectors between components with mediation facilities for handling heterogeneities

6 March 2005EC Presentation6 Mediator Structure WSMO Mediator uses a Mediation Service via Source Component Source Component Target Component 1.. n 1 Mediation Services - as a Goal - directly - optionally incl. Mediation

7 March 2005EC Presentation7 WSMO Mediators Overview

8 March 2005EC Presentation8 WSMO Web Services Web Service Implementation (not of interest in Web Service Description) Choreography Orchestration Capability functional description WS - Advertising of Web Service - Support for WS Discovery Behavior Interface for consuming WS - Messages - External Visible Behavior - ‘Grounding’ Realization of WS functionality by using other Web Services - Functional decomposition - WS Composition

9 March 2005EC Presentation9 Conceptual Achievements (1/2) Establishment of WSMO within DIP –Semantic Description Framework based on WSMO –Common DIP view of the SWS world Towards a WSMO based SWS application methodology –Interface creation based on WSMO goals –Back end based on WSMO web services

10 March 2005EC Presentation10 Conceptual Achievements (2/2) WSMO orchestration (and choreography) linked to business process modelling Hybrid reasoning framework –WSML incorporates description logic (e.g. OWL-DL) and deductive rule- based systems (F-Logic, Datalog) –Algorithms also completed

11 March 2005EC Presentation11 Architectural Achievements DIP architecture completed –Components –Functionalities –communication DIP component APIs completed WSMX

12 March 2005EC Presentation12 Implementations WSMX IRS III –WSMO compliant SWS development infrastructure –Used by tutorial attendees –Interoperable with WSMX WSMO API & WSMO 4J KAON 2 –Ontology server/query engine Ontology editor/browser for use cases Ontology server for use cases Pre release WSML Use case mockups –EGovernment ‘Change of Circumstances’ –Banking – mortgage comparison –VISP – user centred application

13 March 2005EC Presentation13 Ontologies Refinements of the WSMO ontology –Tension between user web service separation and capability based invocation Business Data ontology EGovernment –Domain ontology for change of circumstances –Seamless UK Taxonomy VISP –Domain ontology –Process ontology Financial –Based on IFX WSMO case study descriptions

14 March 2005EC Presentation14 Case Study Achievements Scenarios created Requirements generated Potential impact assessed Initial ontologies created Mockup prototypes created Links with use case communities

15 March 2005EC Presentation15 Dissemination Achievements (1/2) Papers at ISWC ’04, ICWS ’04, ESWS ’04, WI ’04, ECOWS ’04,, EKAW ’04, KR ’04, ECAI ’04, INTELLICOMM 04, SWEB 04, ICAPS 04 DIP or WSMO tutorials at –European Semantic Web Symposium, Heraklion, Crete, 2004 –NetObjectDays, Erfurt, Germany, September, 2004 –Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, and Applications (AIMSA) Varna, Bulgaria, September, 2004 –International Semantic Web Conference, Hiroshima, Japan, November (2004) [most popular tutorial] –Unicom Seminar on the Next Generation Web, London, May 2004. –KnowledgeWeb Summer School, July 2004 –~200 attendees overall

16 March 2005EC Presentation16 Dissemination Achievements (2/2) WSMO Implementation Workshop, Frankfurt, Germany Case based dissemination Internal within companies Invited talks –Semantic Grid networking session at IST Conference –Seamless Conference, 04 –European GRID Technology Days ’04 –EMAN Workshop –ZetVision Solution Day –Karlsruhe Symposium on knowledge Management –Dagstuhl Seminar on Semantic Integration and Interoperability

17 March 2005EC Presentation17

18 March 2005EC Presentation18 DIP Training Workshop

19 March 2005EC Presentation19 DIP Webcast Site (

20 March 2005EC Presentation20 Webcast Replay

21 March 2005EC Presentation21 Link to External Environment Market observation blog – SDK Cluster Meetings – –Links SEKT, DIP and KnowledgeWeb Establishment of SDK-SCG –Raise awareness of project standardisation work

22 March 2005EC Presentation22 New DIP Structure Executive Project Management Board –Overall success of project –Exploitation Strategy Technical Project Management Board –Day-to-day execution –Overall technical co-ordination Project Management Office –Day to day support Exploitation Board Advisory Board –Frank Leyman, Chris Preist, Frank van Harmelen –Christoph Bussler, Dieter Fensel, John Domingue

23 March 2005EC Presentation23 Aligning Implementation Plan with WSMO WSMO –WSMO is the framework for DIP –WP3 will contribute to WSMO WSMX –WSMX is the main implementation platform –WP6 will contribute to WSMX WSML –WSML is the ontology representation language –WP2 will contribute to WSML Align DIP and WSMO activities –WSMO phone conferences (WP11) –WSMO tutorials (WP14)

24 March 2005EC Presentation24 Align with OMWG Academic and industrial initiative Comprehensive ontology management suite WP2 work aligned with OMWG

25 March 2005EC Presentation25 Summary DIP uses a Grounded Research Paradigm Achievements on number of dimensions –Conceptual –Implementation –Case Studies –Dissemination DIP Workplan aligned with WSMO working group and OMWG

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