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 Cancer can be cured using taxol.  Cancer can be define as a disease caused by an uncontrollable replication of abnormal cells  There are several types.

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Presentation on theme: " Cancer can be cured using taxol.  Cancer can be define as a disease caused by an uncontrollable replication of abnormal cells  There are several types."— Presentation transcript:

1  Cancer can be cured using taxol

2  Cancer can be define as a disease caused by an uncontrollable replication of abnormal cells  There are several types of cancer  Also there are numerous way of curing cancer depending on the stage and type of it.  A very important method of treating cancer is by using chemotherapy drugs

3  Taxol is an anti-cancer chemotherapy drug Taxol belongs to a class of chemotherapy drugs called plant alkaloids. Plant alkaloids are made from plants. The taxanes are made from the bark of the Pacific Yew tree (taxus). Taxol is a very efficient drug use for curing breast cancer and other type of cancer.

4  taxol is also used for the treatment of ovarian, bladder prostrate as well as others of types of solid tumor cancer

5  Taxol is given as an injection or infusion into the vein  Taxol is an irritant ( an irritant is a chemical that causes inflammation of the vein through which is given  Taxol is a clear and colorless fluid, there is no pill form of taxol.  The amount of taxol and the schedule that is given depends on many factors such as your height, weight. Etc

6  because Severe allergic reaction have occurred in some people taking taxol, patients are been asked to take medication to aid prevent a reaction

7  Taxol is called a mitotic inhibitor. Cells grow by a process called mitosis (cell division). Taxol targets rapidly growing cancer cells, sticks to them while they are trying to divide, and prevents them from completing the division process. Since the cancer cells cannot divide into new cells, it can't grow.

8  The following are taxol side effects that are very common for patients taking taxol  Low blood counts: there is a temporarily decrease in the white and red blood cells and this can put a patient at risk for infection, bleeding and anemia  hypersensitivity reaction: this includes fever, shortness of breath, facial flushing, and hives are often experience by patients within the first 10mins of infusion.

9  Have injections like neupogen to boost white blood cells  Avoid alcohol  Don’t take aspirin  Don’t get vaccinations.

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