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Dr Balogun, S.A. PhD Environmental/Petroleum Microbiologist.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr Balogun, S.A. PhD Environmental/Petroleum Microbiologist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr Balogun, S.A. PhD Environmental/Petroleum Microbiologist

2 COURSE SYNOPSIS  Microbial Community  Species  Population  Community  Ecosystem  Species Diversity  Autochthonous and Allochthonous microorganisms  Dispersal of Microrganisms  Transmission- Active & Passive  Dispersal of microorganisms by:  Air,  Soil  Water  Inanimate objects  Biological vectors  Dispersal of microorganisms by:  Air,  Soil  Water  Inanimate objects  Biological vectors

3 COURSE SYNOPSIS CONTD Colonisation  Factors that aid colonisation of an environment by microorganisms Succession  Definition  Pioneer organisms  Climax  Forms of Succession: Autogenic and Allogenic  Factors affecting microbial succession in an environment. Microbial interactions  Interaction within a population  Interaction within diverse population  Positive interactions  Negative interaction

4 COURSE SYNOPSIS CONTD Positive interactions  Commensalism  Synergism  Mutualism  Netralism Negative Interactions  Amensalism  Parasitism  Predation



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