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American Marketing Association Mission Statement To promote marketing as a field of study and as a profession. The intention of the chapter is for continual.

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Presentation on theme: "American Marketing Association Mission Statement To promote marketing as a field of study and as a profession. The intention of the chapter is for continual."— Presentation transcript:


2 American Marketing Association

3 Mission Statement To promote marketing as a field of study and as a profession. The intention of the chapter is for continual growth and to provide academic and professional enhancement for students.

4 AMA Officers President Vice President VP of Membership VP of Finance VP of Advertising VP of Programming VP of Communications VP of Alumni Relations Laurel Tree Brent Huckert Gage Hemmelgarn Jamie Andes Holly Shadow Rachel Sumy Susan Celeste Sean Flandermeyer

5 Faculty Advisor Dr. Charles Schwepker

6 Conferences and Meetings

7 38th Annual Marketing Conference in St. Louis, MO

8 AMA Kansas City Professional Presentations


10 Speakers


12 Executive Day ‘97 Mike Levy VP of Marketing

13 Executive Day ‘98 John Finamore General Manager

14 Jack Mayer Marketing Manager

15 Julie Truman Human Resource Manager

16 Doug Zey District Marketing Manager

17 John Mcguire Sales Manager

18 $Fund-Raisers

19 Football Raffle

20 Rowdy Rags

21 AMA Sweatshirts

22 Food Pantry

23 Promotion

24 Bulletin Boards

25 Promotional Materials Designed by AMA Members

26 Social Gatherings for Fun and Recruitment

27 Taco Bell Arris’ Pizza Fan Club Grover Park

28 Preparing you for the future

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