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Deborah Kahn, Publishing Director London, 9 May 2013 Welcome to the 4 th Annual BioMed Central Editors’ Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "Deborah Kahn, Publishing Director London, 9 May 2013 Welcome to the 4 th Annual BioMed Central Editors’ Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Deborah Kahn, Publishing Director London, 9 May 2013 Welcome to the 4 th Annual BioMed Central Editors’ Conference

2 2 Aims of the day An opportunity for Editors of journals published by BioMed Central to: - Hear an update on Open Access generally and on what is happening at BioMed Central - Meet fellow Editors and discuss issues of mutual importance - Meet with BioMed Central contacts A warm welcome to BMC Series Section Editors who are joining us for the first time

3 3 60+ open access journals spanning biology and medicine with over 2000 submissions per month. As a group the journals function as a ‘megajournal’. Aim is to publish work deemed by peer reviewers to be a coherent and sound addition to scientific knowledge with less emphasis on interest levels, provided that the research constitutes a useful contribution to the field. Section Editors and Associate Editors handle peer review, facilitated by an in-house Executive Editor, and Journal Editorial Office support The BMC Series

4 4 Broader interest titles within the BMC series publishing peer-reviewed research, commentaries, reviews, opinion pieces and Q&As that are of special importance and broad interest in any area of biology and medicine. Dedicated in-house Editorial teams In the top 10 general medical (9 th ) and biology (6 th ) categories of the JCR.

5 5 ‘Independent journals’ Academic and clinical Editors-in-Chief Growing number of society journals Some leading journals within their fields – e.g. Malaria Journal; Retrovirology, Veterinary Research

6 6 Towards painless publishing: Journal cascades Flagships Subject-specific journals BMC Research Notes BMC series Independent Journals

7 7 Overall open access market growth: fully open access journals

8 8 Across all subject areas Source: Anatomy of open access publishing: a study of longitudinal development and internal structure, Mikael Laakso and Bo-Christer Björk, BMC Medicine, 2012, 10: 124

9 9 Growing “open access share” in Web of Science

10 10 Number of BioMed Central journals with Impact Factors

11 11 Technology Author and Editor Satisfaction Ensuring that the market is aware of our quality content BioMed Central Strategic Focus

12 12 Editor satisfaction Comparison of Editors Survey 2011 to 2012: Average Rating

13 13 Comparison of Editors Survey 2011 to 2012: Breakdown

14 14 Dedicated Journal Development Editor Editors’ Advisory Group Senior Contact Network New Editors Home being developed Editor training course being developed Responding to Editors’ needs

15 15 Significantly streamlines the process of pre-publication and production making the overall process faster and less cumbersome Offers variations on production routes Author version then final version Final version only Offers various copyediting levels Options for controlling publication dates, or linking related articles so they travel through the publication process together New Production Process

16 16 Times in production

17 17 Author satisfaction

18 18 Biome Conferences Research Awards Improved marketing Ensuring that the market is aware of our quality content

19 19 Research highlights, comment & community news in biology & medicine Research synopses & author Q&As Comment & analysis Spotlight on the research community

20 20 Conferences

21 21 BioMed Central Research Awards – 10 categories

22 22 Ideas, comments, feedback We look forward to continuing to work with our Editors-in-Chief to improve our journals and the service we deliver. We want to hear from you

23 23 Thank you

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