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Human Nature Who am I?. Nature Nature: A thing’s nature is its basic identity: what kind of thing it is and what purpose and goal it has. quiddity – the.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Nature Who am I?. Nature Nature: A thing’s nature is its basic identity: what kind of thing it is and what purpose and goal it has. quiddity – the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Nature Who am I?

2 Nature Nature: A thing’s nature is its basic identity: what kind of thing it is and what purpose and goal it has. quiddity – the essential nature of a thing

3 Human Nature Imagio Dei – Humans are made in the likeness and image of God. (Genesis 1:26-27)

4 Read CCC 355 – 358 – Each person read one paragraph.

5 Truths about Humans I.Man is in the image of God II.Human Nature unites spiritual and material worlds III.Male and Female IV.God and man were created in good standing

6 What does this mean? Individually - Humans have free will and an intellect/reason. Also we have immortal souls. Communally – We are made for relationships (Holy Trinity). Note – Humans are not God but like Him.

7 Understanding of a Human Being Immortal Souls Soul gives dignity Ability to search for Truth Comprised of both body AND soul Death temporarily separates body and soul We live in the world but we are made for heaven. (Our Moral Life in Christ pg. 20- 21)

8 HUMAN Harmed by Concupisence -original sin wounded human nature -still desire what is good but inclined to sin (it’s a battle!) Unity of body and soul -spiritual and immortal soul -has power to think (intellect) & to choose and love (will) Made by God in his image  to love and be loved - made by God, for God - gives us our dignity Able to be healed and transformed by grace (sacraments) n -we can have new life because Christ delivered us iNtellect and will - intellect helps us to know what is right and wrong - will can choose


10 Play! 1.Play body, mind, soul (rock/paper/scissors) 2.Loser now must follow the winner around in a train. 3.Find a new partner to play. 4.Repeat 2 and 3 until there is one winner. Body > Mind Mind > Soul Soul > Body

11 Fan and Pick 1.Fan out cards, do not let others see. 2.Reads the card aloud to person 3 3.Answers the question 4.Positive comment

12 Body/Mind/Spirit A.What is a good way to fortify your body? K. What is a good way to challenge your mind? Q. What is a good way to enrich your spirit? J. Which do you need to work on in your life and how can you do that? 10. Give an example of someone who has all 3 in harmony. How do they live their life? 9. Can you tell if one of these goes out of balance? What happens in your life when this occurs?

13 Capabilities Self – Knowledge Free will Enter into communion with others Knowledge of God Love (willing the good of the other) No other creature can do this

14 So now what? We have free will and can do anything we want. What is it that we want? Happiness What must you to do be happy?

15 Round Robin Things that make YOU happy. Read CCC 1718

16 Transcendentals Good True Beautiful

17 Secret to Life To seek only what is good and live according to nature, purpose and end. To know, love and serve God and to be happy with Him in the next life! “You have made us for Yourself, O Lord and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.” St. Augustine of Hippo

18 Understanding God Existence Trinity Nature Action

19 God’s response to us Love – Will the good of the other. God wants what is good for us. Love is more than just a feeling. Free Will – The gift from God which includes the power of directions one’s own actions without constrain. This makes possible the choice to love. Grace – Free and unmerited favor of God given first of through all the sacraments. Grace is a share in the divine life infused into the soul by the Holy Spirit to heal from sin and to sanctify.

20 Thinking Thursday If you can get down off a duck can you get down off an elephant?

21 4 Loves Storge Phileo Eros Agape

22 Our Response to God Leading lives of love and virtue while being open to his grace.

23 Timed Rally Robin (Same as round robin but with a partner instead of your group) Why are rules/laws important?

24 We might fancy some children playing on the flat grassy top of some tall island in the sea. So long as there was a wall round the cliff’s edge they could fling themselves into every frantic game and make the place the noisiest of nurseries. But [when] the walls were knocked down, leaving the naked peril of the precipice, they did not fall over... they were all huddled in terror in the centre of the island; and their song had ceased.” G.K. Chesteron

25 Christian Morality Study of all rationale and deliberate acts which lead us toward or away from God and neighbor. - Morality is the proper way to respond to God - Moral Theology helps us understand and discern what is good and just.

26 Vocabulary Morality – The doctrine or system by which actions are judged to be good or evil. Morality looks to those human acts that impact the human person and affect his or her eternal destiny. Moral Theology – The subset of theology that makes use of reason to offer practical judgments, under the guidance of divine revelation, in order to direct human acts towards their supernatural end: God.

27 Moral Theology Based up on Divine Revelation Scripture, Tradition provide us with information Beyond Human Reason but not against it Morality must always be understood within context of God. Pure reason alone is not enough. Compatible with natural Sciences Science is not embattled against Theology, they can go hand in hand. Recognizes and understand the dignity of the Human person. All persons, made in the image of God are due respect and love.

28 Textbook 1. What the Moral Law is not 2. Characteristics of the Moral Law 3. Christian Morality in Action 4. Effects of the Moral Life in Christ 5. Personal Fruits of the Moral Life in Christ 6. Sources of Moral Theology

29 Directions As a group: 1.Read your section individually/silently 2.When everyone is done reading quietly going in a circle share one point (round robin) 3.Everyone writes it down 4.When all group are done come up with a secret group hand shake

30 Directions Continued 1.Silently stand up 2.Hold up your hand to indicate which section your group did (1-5, 6- fist) 3.Find a partner from another group and get the information their group has compiled. 4.Share, Listen, Record. DO NOT COPY 5.Bid your partner farewell and repeat. 6.When all sections have been compiled sit down at your desk.

31 Meditation Monday: Fruits from God “In contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self- control. Against such there is no law.” Gal.5.22-23 God is Spirit and He is bringing fruits to your life! When you spend time in His presence praying and meditating; when you read the Holy Scriptures or go to the mass; when you take communion - his Spirit is working in you, bringing wonderful fruits to you life. There are many different fruits you can bring in the Kingdom of God. Those described above are the fruits of your internal transformation. God is changing you when you spend time with Him! His Holy Word is filling your soul when you read it. How in short we can describe those fruits? They are features of God’s character. If you are changed and people can see those fruits in your life, they can see God in you! As children of God we should manifest his character! It is one of our main aims – to be like Him! And it is possible my dear! It is possible for the least important lay person, not only for religious people! It is possible for you and me. You can resemble God’s character, because God said so!

32 Character Formation The totality of a person integrated around good or bad choices; the summation of virtues and vices. How do we do this? Practice Virtue God’s Grace

33 Character Formation Operatio sequitur esse. - Actions follow being. How we act is who we are. Consider someone who says one thing but does another. What do we call them?

34 On your own Think about what you did this weekend. What would your actions say about you? Are you happy with what your actions say about you?

35 On a scrap piece of paper write what you watched this weekend? (movie, tv show, youtube etc.) No name, 1 scrap per thing you watched

36 Examination of Conscience

37 How to Develop Strong Moral Character 1.Movement of the will - You must resolve to make a decision 2.Practice good action - It can be difficult to always think about and do the good therefore it is necessary to repeat good actions. 3.Grace - Recognize that we NEED God’s help in becoming better because of our brokeness.

38 Consider Daily Diet 2 glazed donuts 3 pancakes with syrup 12 oz Sunny D 1 bag of Cheetos 2 McDoubles 1 Med. Fry 22 oz Coke 1 Snickers 1 Fried Chicken Breast 1 Fried Chicken Leg 1 serving of mashed potatoes 1 serving of canned corn 2 cups Chocolate Icecream What are the results of this diet after 1 day? 1 week? 1 month? 1 year? What do you feed your minds?

39 Wreview Wednesday Fan and Pick using flash cards 1.Fan 2.Pick and ask question 3.Answer 4.Check if correct  Praise/Coach

40 Role of Habit Habit: a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up. Round Robin What are some habits (good or bad) that you have?

41 Habits Can support or undermine good character. Habits make actions easier. Specific actions come form previous habits and attitudes. Habits in small matters can lead to virtue or vice in big matters.

42 Virtue Habitual and firm disposition to do the good Or A good habit that leads us towards God.

43 Round Robin Identify virtues 1 per person Continue in circle until I stop you The Golden Mean

44 Theological Virtues The theological virtues dispose Christians to live in a relationship with the Holy Trinity. They have God for their origin, their motive, and their object - God known by faith, God hoped in and loved for his own sake. CCC 1840 Faith Hope Love See also 1 Corinthians 13:13

45 Faith (1814-1816) Believing in God and all the he has revealed - Belief in Church teaching - Seek God’s will - Must be lived out - Profess and evangelize

46 Exemplar of Faith Blessed Virgin Mary -Her “yes” to being Mother of God. -Immense trust in God despite not knowing. -Suffered and still had faith.

47 Exemplar of Faith Therese of Liseux -Was having temptations of doubt. -Wrote out the entire Apostles Creed. -IN HER OWN BLOOD!

48 Hope (1817- 1821) Trust in God’s goodness, mercy and power to save us. - Gives perspective in this world as we longlong for the next. - The glory of God is known to those who have hope.

49 Exemplar in Hope St. Monica -Mother of St. Augustine -Prayed unceasingly for the conversion of her family especially her son.

50 Charity (1822-1829) Virtue by which love God above all things for his own sake, and our neighbor as ourselves for the love of God. - The New Commandment - Greatest of the 3 Theological virtues - All other virtues flow from it - The only Theological virtue in heaven

51 Exemplar of Charity

52 Maximilian Kolbe -Imprisoned by the Nazis and sent to Auchwitz. -A young father and husband was chosen to be killed by the Nazis. Kolbe offered to switch places with the man.

53 Thinking Thursday I am in heaven but not in hell. I’m in the devil but not in god. I’m in the river but not in the sea. What am I?

54 Cardinal Virtues Cardinal comes form the Latin root cardo/cardin- which means “hinge” See Wisdom 8:7 All other virtues hinge or pivot off these four virtues. 1.Prudence 2.Justice 3.Fortitude 4.Temperance

55 Prudence (1806) Deciding the best thing to do and the proper way to do it. - The “Charioteer” or mother of all virtues. - It is the bridge between the intellect and will. - Discern reality  make a decision  act concretely.

56 Exemplar of Prudence

57 Justice (1807) Giving the other his due. - Worshipping and respecting God - Recognizing and upholding human rights - Promoting fairness and righteousness

58 Fortitude (1808) Doing the right thing, especially when it is difficult. - Conquers fear, even death. - Resist temptations - Pursues the good no matter what

59 Temperance (1809) Enjoying God’s gifts in moderation. - Allows for control over instincts and desire. - Frees us from the enslavement of our appetites.

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