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Conference Marketing: NCSHA’s 2015 Annual Conference Showplace.

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Presentation on theme: "Conference Marketing: NCSHA’s 2015 Annual Conference Showplace."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conference Marketing: NCSHA’s 2015 Annual Conference Showplace

2 Background Historically, Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) hosts its annual housing conference in the fall. Averaged 500-550 attendees. Focus on content = KHC updates and compliance training. Use local, low-cost speakers for workshops. Engage 1-2 higher price speakers for plenary sessions. KHC was adapting to strategic and programmatic changes, while simultaneously planning the housing conference. This presented new goals, challenges, and opportunities…

3 Goals 1.New conference focus, new marketing focus for the 2015 Kentucky Affordable Housing Conference (KAHC) Meet one of KHC’s overarching strategic goals: Increase revenue, decrease operating costs, and reduce risk. By using free marketing via social media, as well as decreasing printed and mailed pieces, we decreased costs, yet communicated with a wider audience, thereby increasing revenue.

4 2.Branding of KHC and creating a conference that was built on KHC’s new strategies: Workshops and speakers supported KHC’s strategies to encourage affordable housing dialogue. Increased opportunities for collaboration and partnering for innovation. Increased the caliber of speakers and broadened perspectives by bringing in nationally-recognized speakers in the industry. Maximized branding opportunities - every promotional piece had same look and feel. Maximized conference exposure to increase partner interest. Goals Theme: Housing Kentucky Families: New Vision, New Strategies.

5 3.KHC partners with a fiscal agent to drive sponsorships and exhibitors to help offset conference costs. Expand reach to engage more sponsors and exhibitors. Develop and design a sponsorship and exhibitor packet. Goals

6 The spring date brought timing issues of competing events: 1.School spring break schedule around the state. 2.Other partner conferences typically held in spring. 3.Kentucky basketball and “Sweet Sixteen” tournament. Challenges How could we promote our conference and increase attendance?

7 Focus marketing efforts to reach diverse audiences: Social media Digital sources e-Newsletters KHC website Partner websites Partner publications Electronic sponsor/exhibitor packet Implement cost-savings measures. Capture data to measure efforts. Opportunities How did we do it?

8 Broke away from focus traditional print material. Printed materials included: Save the Date postcard. Register Today postcard (with QR code). Schedule At-A-Glance: distributed at KHC meetings and trainings. We did not print registration brochures—first time ever! Digital materials included: Website with robust content and online registration only. KHC eGrams for partner promotion (via Constant Contact). Prezi promotion of conference highlights (You Tube). Social media channels: Facebook, Twitter, Linked In. Innovative Approach

9 Kentucky Affordable Housing Conference Conference Web Pages

10 Kentucky Affordable Housing Conference Postcards

11 Kentucky Affordable Housing Conference KHC’s eGrams Speaker Spotlight Award Nominations CEU Credits

12 Constant Contact 949 opens (24 percent open rate) Average industry open rates (government/nonprofit/real estate) = 23.58, 22.54, and 17.5 percent, respectively. Facebook 10 conference-specific posts 1 boosted for $60 Average reach = 102; boosted post = 11,668. Twitter Conference = 5,500 total impressions (68/day) Prior to Conference = 3,800 total impressions (47/day). Measurement



15 Attendance 2015 = 665 attendees 2013 = 504 attendees = 32 percent increase Sponsorships/Exhibitors 2015 = $82,350 2013 = $70,050 = 17.5 percent increase Measurement

16 Post-Conference Survey = valuable feedback. Survey tool: Survey Monkey. Preference for participation is in the fall. (KHC will host the 2016 conference October 18-19). CEU credits were not as valued by participants. QR Codes – Nothing ventured, nothing gained, but QR codes were not effective. Communication planning is necessary! Calendar and tailor messages for each target group, communicate routinely. Lessons to Share

17 1. HFAs can use electronic marketing to promote events or communicate with their clients and partners: Facebook Twitter Linked In Constant Contact 2. Ask speakers to promote conference and their workshop or plenary session in their newsletters and social media. 3. Ask partners to share conference information in their communications. Replicable Facebook Scheduling or boosting posts = effective and low-cost. Targeting by: Gender Age Region

18 Replicable Project Management System

19 Contact: Charla Jackson Peter Kentucky Housing Corporation 502-564-7630, ext. 454 Conference pages:\News and Events

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