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Helping NEA Members Manage Arthritis 2010 NEA-Retired Annual Meeting Jerry Newberry and Nora Howley NEA Health Information Network.

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Presentation on theme: "Helping NEA Members Manage Arthritis 2010 NEA-Retired Annual Meeting Jerry Newberry and Nora Howley NEA Health Information Network."— Presentation transcript:

1 Helping NEA Members Manage Arthritis 2010 NEA-Retired Annual Meeting Jerry Newberry and Nora Howley NEA Health Information Network

2 Our Mission To improve the health and safety of the school community by developing and disseminating information and programs that educate and empower school professionals and positively impact the lives of students 2

3 How we achieve our mission Training at conferences Organizing for change Creating publications that answer questions Providing online courses Responding to members

4 Who are the NEA members? 3.2 million education members 75% female 2,000,000 classroom teachers 500,000 Education Support Professionals 4

5 Program 250 kits 50 free 200 at a discount 2 web surveys 5

6 Questions Will members request the kit? Who orders the kit? Will this create additional demand? What happens when the discounts are expired? Will members use the kit? 6

7 Questions How is the kit used? What else would be useful? What other arthritis management activities are they doing? What is their overall rating? 7

8 Timeline Program announced: week of September 27 First orders received Marketing push in October Follow-up is at five and ten weeks from receiving kit (this may be tweaked) Report by February 15, 2011 Additional report after that 8

9 Questions? Nora Howley 202-822-7570 NEA Health Information Network 1201 16 th St., NW Suite 216 Washington, DC 20036 9

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