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Kevin Babcock

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1 Kevin Babcock

2 The Imagine Cup IT Challenge  Are you wanting to learn about the latest MS technology?  Are you interested in FREE practice exam questions for MS Certification?  Do you want to prove that you are the TOP IT student in the world? Then the Imagine Cup IT Challenge is for YOU!

3  Highlights the art and science of developing, deploying, and maintaining IT systems that are efficient, functional, robust and secure  Use the IT Challenge and Practice exams to prepare for MS Certifications  Add another line to your resume!!  Demonstrate mastery in the science of Information Technology IT CHALLENGE

4 The Details…  Round 1 – 30 question Quiz Taken in one for 4 time slots ○ You can take multiple quizzes, to get a better score! Modeled after Certification Questions Top 500 move onto Round 2  Round 2 – Case studies Students work on a series of Case Studies. They will be asked to design and troubleshoot systems, based on the case Top 6 individuals move onto the WW Finals  WW Finals – IT Death Match

5 Key IT Challenge Dates Round 1 Quizzes: ○ 1/20 9am CST ○ 1/31 2am CST February 1 First Round Closes February 22 Second Round Begins May 2 Second Round Closes May 23 Worldwide Finalists Announced

6 What does Microsoft Provide?  Cash Prizes totaling over $15,000  Access to sample questions and practice exams  Localized reporting  Access to Virtual Labs, online webcasts and e- learning.  Access to all of the FREE software you need to prepare (MSDNAA)  3 Prizes to each club, to be given as prizes for the top 3 IT Challenge scorers from your club.

7 How can I get involved?  Decide as a club, which date you are targeting. (Make sure to tell your SP)  Sign up for the IT Challenge at allenge allenge  Prepare (See the IT challenge page for a list of resources.  Take the quiz  Come and collect your prize!

8 Questions??  Head to to learn more about the IT Challenge and the 8 other Imagine Cup Competitions!

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