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DRAFT - Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only and Not for Distribution 1 Press Runs (ID.03)

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Presentation on theme: "DRAFT - Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only and Not for Distribution 1 Press Runs (ID.03)"— Presentation transcript:

1 DRAFT - Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only and Not for Distribution 1 Press Runs (ID.03)

2 DRAFT - Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only and Not for Distribution 2 Current Process – Key Components  ID Media creates a purchase order for inserts  The purchase order amount includes cost of inserts and ancillary items  Press runs are attached to the purchase order  These press runs detail important/critical shipping information in an excel spreadsheet to the vendor  Vendor invoices detail the cost of the ancillary items along with the inserts  Examples of these items are:  Plate Changes  Pre-press  Shipping

3 DRAFT - Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only and Not for Distribution 3 Proposed Future Process – Key Components  ID Media will create a PO in Vantage for inserts from their vendor and include the ancillary items  ID Media will attach ‘press runs’ on the purchase order in Vantage  Once the vendor invoice is received the agency applies the correct amount for each ancillary item against the purchase order and close it  Agency will have to upload the multiple delivery template against the line items  Plate Charges – Material#11206  Pre-press – Material#10726  Shipping – Material#10882

4 DRAFT - Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only and Not for Distribution 4 Proposed Future Process – Key Components

5 DRAFT - Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only and Not for Distribution 5 Proposed Future Process – Key Components

6 DRAFT - Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only and Not for Distribution 6 Proposed Future Process – Key Components

7 DRAFT - Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only and Not for Distribution 7 Proposed Future Process – Key Components

8 DRAFT - Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only and Not for Distribution 8 Proposed Future Process – Key Components

9 DRAFT - Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only and Not for Distribution 9 Proposed Future Process – Key Components

10 DRAFT - Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only and Not for Distribution 10 Proposed Future Process – Key Components

11 DRAFT - Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only and Not for Distribution 11 Proposed Future Process – Key Components

12 DRAFT - Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only and Not for Distribution 12 Proposed Future Process – Key Components Upload Template Instructions

13 DRAFT - Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only and Not for Distribution 13 Proposed Future Process – Key Components Sample Of Multiple Delivery Upload Template  Multiple Delivery Template in Excel: Above is a sample of a multiple delivery template you may receive from a vendor once items on a purchased order are drop-shipped to multiple locations within the continental US. It is important to have this documentation since items shipped to multiple locations may have different tax implications.

14 DRAFT - Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only and Not for Distribution 14 Proposed Future Process – Key Components Sample Of Multiple Delivery Upload Template  Multiple Delivery Template For Upload In Vantage: Above is a sample of the upload file (saved as a text document) to be uploaded in Vantage

15 DRAFT - Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only and Not for Distribution 15 Billable Purchasing Vantage Business Process (1 of 2) Performed in Vantage Outside of Vantage The role of Shared Services as depicted in these process flows will vary by agency (i.e. which boxes are in the which swim lane). It is between each agency and Shared Services to make this determination. Swim lanes presented here are not necessarily representative of every agencies’ future state.

16 DRAFT - Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only and Not for Distribution 16 Billable Purchasing Vantage Business Process (2 of 2) Performed in Vantage Outside of Vantage The role of Shared Services as depicted in these process flows will vary by agency (i.e. which boxes are in the which swim lane). It is between each agency and Shared Services to make this determination. Swim lanes presented here are not necessarily representative of every agencies’ future state.

17 DRAFT - Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only and Not for Distribution 17 Purchase Order Revision/Change Revisable items on a purchase order – Order Quantity and Rate – Texts – Material 17

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