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God's Heart for you. What does God think of you? Have you ever wondered what God thinks of you? Is it hard for you to believe He loves you as much as.

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Presentation on theme: "God's Heart for you. What does God think of you? Have you ever wondered what God thinks of you? Is it hard for you to believe He loves you as much as."— Presentation transcript:

1 God's Heart for you

2 What does God think of you? Have you ever wondered what God thinks of you? Is it hard for you to believe He loves you as much as the Bible says He does? Is it hard for you to believe He loves you as much as the Bible says He does?

3 What does God think of you? God is so big and He sometimes seems so distant … but what is He really like? Do you really know Him

4 What does God think of you What does God think of you? You've heard His instructions, but do you know anything about His emotions or His character?

5 Who is God?

6 The Bible says that God is our Father

7 What is A Father? What do you think of when you hear the word father?

8 Do you automatically think of protection, provision, warmth, and tenderness?

9 Or does the word Father paint different kinds of pictures for you? Or does the word Father paint different kinds of pictures for you?

10 What does the Bible say?

11 -g-g-g-gentle -f-f-f-forgiving Father -i-i-i-intimately involved with each and every detail of our lives God is:

12 The problem is: Every person seems to have a different idea of what God is like…

13 The problem is: They unconsciously tend to attach the feelings and impressions that they have of their own earthly father to their concept of their Heavenly Father

14 What did God have in mind when He created the family? The Bible says, God makes a home for the lonely (Psalm 68:6 NASB) God makes a home for the lonely (Psalm 68:6 NASB)

15 A family involves a circle of relationship including an adult male and female, into which tiny, dependent human beings are born and raised.

16 Why do we enter the world as such helpless, inadequate persons, and then slowly grow up physically, mentally, and emotionally into self-sufficient adults?

17 Have you ever wondered why God didn't come up with some sort of reproduction system that would produce a physically completed person such as His original creation of Adam and Eve?

18 Because He intends the family unit to be a place where His love is demonstrated to both parent and child

19 As parents we begin to really understand God's heart towards us as His children.

20 As children, it is God's will for us to see His love revealed through parental tenderness, mercy, and discipline

21 But what if the ideal did not happen? What if you have been failed in some way by parental authority?

22 So many have suffered hurt and rejection by their families that it is hard for them to see God as He really is.

23 Understanding the character of God is essential if we are to love Him, serve Him, and be like Him

24 Six misconceptions concerning God and His love for us

25 Parental Authority Parental Faithfulness Parental Generosity Parental Affection Parental attentiveness Parental Acceptance

26 Therefore a full revelation of God's parental love is incomplete is incomplete without the presence of the male and female attributes of parental affection God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. (Genesis 1:27 NASB)

27 Let's look back into our personal past and see if our relationship with God has been hindered in any way because of a failure or absence of tender loving care from one or both of our parents

28 Parental Authority Parental Faithfulness Parental Generosity Parental Affection Parental attentiveness Parental Acceptance Remember the 6 areas of Misconceptions:

29 Parental Authority

30 Parental Faithfulness

31 Parental Generosity

32 Parental Affection

33 Parental Attentiveness

34 Parental Acceptance


36 We've talked about our misconceptions about God. With your partner, discuss aspects of your growing up years that either helped you or hindered you in seeing God as a loving Father. God as a loving Father. End by praying for each other.

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