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NSW Mental Health Services Competency Framework (Draft) Statewide Consultation.

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Presentation on theme: "NSW Mental Health Services Competency Framework (Draft) Statewide Consultation."— Presentation transcript:

1 NSW Mental Health Services Competency Framework (Draft) Statewide Consultation

2 Welcome and Overview History & Alignment Development and Approval Consultation Approach Framework Format Consultation Questions

3 History & Alignment No overarching national competency frameworks for the Australian mental health workforce NSW CAMHS Competency Framework & the NSW Core Competencies for SMHSOP Community Clinicians International Activates: –NZ, Let’s get real: Real Skills for people working in MH and addiction –UK, the Capable Practitioner, the Sainsbury Centre Professional Competencies and Codes of Practice

4 Development and Approval The Framework has been developed by the Mental Health Workforce Development Sub-Committee of the Mental Health Program Council. The purpose of a Competency Framework is to provide a coordinated approach to further developing the knowledge and skills of the mental health workforce and to enhance service provision. The Framework is intended for use by both new and experienced NSW public sector mental health professionals working in mental health services across the lifespan.

5 Consultation Approach Local Consultation Workshops in LHD’s and Specialty Networks Invitations letters seeking written submissions sent to LHD CE’s (CC Mental Health Directors) and Key Stakeholders. Presentations to Committees and Groups to promote the consultation and the Framework to additional stakeholders

6 Consultation Approach Cont. All consultation materials are available on the NSW Health Website, including the Draft Framework and the Written Submission Template The website allows for an open consultation process where any staff member, consumer or carer can provide input. Consultation closes on the 28 November 2012.

7 Framework Format – Part 1 Overview Introduction –Background –Purpose –Scope –Alignment –Format Guiding Principles Values and Attitudes –Underpin the application of knowledge & skills Mental Health Service Context inc Life Stages –Infant and Early Childhood (0 - 4 yrs) –Child (5 - 11 yrs) –Adolescent (12 - 17 yrs) –Young Adulthood (18 - 25 yrs) –Adult (26 - 40 yrs) –Middle Years (41 - 64 yrs) –Older People (65 - 84 yrs) –Very Old People (85 yrs plus including centenarians)

8 Part 2 - The Competencies Universal Competencies 1.Responsible, safe and ethical practice 2.Working with clients, families and carers in recovery- focussed ways 3.Meeting diverse needs 4.Working with Aboriginal people, families and communities 5.Communication 6.Continuous quality improvement 7.Partnership, collaboration and integration Clinical Competencies 8.Intake 9.Assessment, formulation and care planning 10.Interventions 11.Transfer of Care Population Approach Competencies 12.Mental health promotion and primary prevention

9 Part 3 – Implementation Guide & Competency Review Tools Implementation guide –Guidelines for individuals, managers, supervisors and resource developers –Target audience for the Framework –Defines some of the possible uses Competency Review Form (CRF) (page 38) Competency Development Plan (CDP) (page 66)

10 Consultation Questions

11 Question 1 What is your overall impression of the Framework?

12 Question 2 Do you have any general suggestions for improvements to the Framework?

13 Question 3 Does Section 4 (Context Section) adequately describe the developmental contexts for working across age groups?

14 Question 4 Are the Competencies targeted at the right level to reflect actual practice?

15 Question 5 Does the framework adequately describe sub-specialty practice, i.e. CAMHS and SMHSOP?

16 Question 6 Is there anything missing that should be included within the Competencies?

17 Question 7 Do you anticipate the Implementation Tools will be useful? (Part 3 of the Framework) Do you suggest any changes?

18 Question 8 Do you have any suggestions that would assist with implementing the framework?

19 Question 9 What do you see as the greatest barriers to implementing the framework?

20 Question 10 Are there any other comments?

21 Where to from here? Thank you for your input Written Submissions Next step For any further information on the process please contact Amy Shearden on 02 9424 5834 or email

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