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Proper Field Maintenance Training Russiaville Youth Little League.

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1 Proper Field Maintenance Training Russiaville Youth Little League

2 Training Objectives Goal is to have training available for all RYBL volunteers and coaches on proper field maintenance and preparation. Common training for all managers and coaches. Clear up common misconceptions on proper field maintenance techniques. Eliminate activities which lead to infield lips and uneven playing surfaces.

3 Removing water The goal of our field maintenance project is to eliminate the ponding of water on the playing surface. New Mule mix playing surface was created to absorb surface moisture. RYBL will no longer use clay based drying agents on either field (field dry) – Only pre-bagged Mule mix should be used to address trouble spots. Never push water into the grass. This creates lips by pushing the playing material into the grass. RYBL will experiment with alternate methods to remove ponding water (pads, absorbent roller)

4 Dragging the field A nail drag should be used on the field before the first game of each week (followed with mat drag) 1/8 inch depth. A mat drag should be used before each game. – Never drag faster than you can walk – Stay one foot away from the grass line to prevent lips from forming. Rake Mule mix out of grass onto skinned surface – Leaf rake – Leaf blower – Water hose Mat Drag 1 ft

5 Selected method used by RYBL

6 Drag Patterns Base lines should be hand raked in-line with the base. Do not rake side-to-side, which creates a rut or uneven channel in the base line. Rake in line with bases Base Line

7 Pitching Mound Maintenance Moisture is your friend – always keep the mound covered while not in use. – A dry mound is not a good mound – Repair landing spots as needed with mound clay Move aside loose playing surface (Mule Mix) Insert clay and flatten Tamp and water if necessary Replace mule mix – Tarp mount after last game

8 Field Diagram

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