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Region 4 Summary Regional Activities 26-28 January 2007, Chicago, IL Region 4 Meeting.

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1 Region 4 Summary Regional Activities 26-28 January 2007, Chicago, IL Region 4 Meeting

2 Sections Rebates and Reporting l For Sections to be eligible for a 2007 rebate; completed financial, meeting and current officer reports must be received by 24 February 2007 and approved l Units not reporting by 31 March 2007 will have forfeited their rebate for 2007 l Summary of reported meetings for Sections/Chapters/Affinity Groups is viewable at: quired_Reporting/geo-unit-activity.html

3 Sections Rebates and Reporting l Chapters are required to hold and report at least two Technical meetings per year l Affinity Groups are required to hold and report at least two meetings per year. l Units reporting less than two meetings per year are considered to be inactive for that year(s). l Units that have not reported meetings for 3 consecutive years may be considered for dissolution by the Region Director and appropriate Society President or Affinity Group parent.

4 Region 4 Awards l Section Significant Anniversary Banner – To recognize a Section for outstanding longevity through continuity in member support and enthusiasm. l Toledo Section – 100 years (3 June 1907)

5 Region 4 Membership

6 l Region 4 is currently the eighth largest IEEE region. At the end of December 2006, the Region had a total of 23,982 members: l Region 4 represents 6.4% of IEEE’s total membership. l The Region has 20,096 Higher Grade Members and 3,886 Student Members. l Membership in Region 4 is down by 1.41% over December 2005. This is the fourth best overall performance of the 6 U.S. Regions. l Higher Grade membership in the Region is down by 1.01%, representing a loss of 159 members from a year ago. l Student membership is down by 4.52%, a loss of 184 Students. l Graduate Student Members l At the end of December there were 1,457 identified Graduate Student Members in Region 4. At this time, GSMs are still being reported in the student counts. l Senior Member Elevations l There were 159 Region 4 members elevated to Senior Member in 2006. That is 94.1% of the Region’s goal for 2006 of 169 elevations. This places R4 seventh of all Regions in its performance against the 2006 goal. The next Sr. Member Review Panel will be held in conjunction with the BOD Series Meeting, Saturday, 17 Feb in CA, USA.

7 Region 4 Membership REGION 4 - MEMBERSHIP TOTALS BY GRADE As of 31 December 2006 GradeDec-06Dec-05 Change # Change % Honorary2200.00% Fellow412395174.30% Senior Member1,9161,865512.73% Member16,35916,450-91-0.55% Associate1,4071,543-136-8.81% Student3,8864,070-184-4.52% Total IEEE Members23,98224,325-343-1.41% Region 4 Membership by Grade Region 4 Membership by Section

8 Region 4 Membership l Region 4 has 11 GOLD Affinity Groups l Arrowhead, Cedar Rapids, Chicago, Iowa-Illinois, Rock River Valley, Siouxland, Southeastern Michigan, Southern Minnesota, Twin Cities, and West Michigan Sections. The newest group formed was in 2006 in the Central Indiana. l IEEE Mentoring Connection: l Currently, 700 Mentees and over 340 Mentors have registered to participate with over 119 active mentoring partnerships. l Mentor participation is open to all IEEE members above the grade of Student Member. Over 60% of the Mentors reside within the United States. l We are looking for additional IEEE members to participate as Mentors. l Interested members can visit for information on the roles and responsibilities of each mentoring partner, including additional program information and an FAQ page.

9 Electronic Communications l IEEE E-Notice l An electronic newsletter subscription service that was created for IEEE organizational units to facilitate email distribution of newsletters and meeting and notices l List creation and maintenance is handled through the IEEE Operations Center. New members are automatically added and members can subscribe from list. Volunteers are not faced with bounces and managing the mailing lists l As of 12 January 2006, there are 762 types of mailings registered for E-Notice l The following units from Region 4 participate in IEEE E-Notice l Sections – Arrowhead, Calumet, Central Iowa, Chicago, Fort Wayne, Iowa-Illinois, Milwaukee, Missouri Slope, Northeastern Wisconsin, Red River Valley, Southern Minnesota, Toledo, West Michigan l Subsections – Coulee, Fox Valley l Affinity Groups – Southeastern Michigan GOLD, Twin Cities GOLD l Chapters - Central Illinois E025, Central Indiana C016/E025/PE031- IA034/SP001, Chicago AP003/MTT017/CAS004-ED015- SSC037/C016/COM019/E025/EM014/IA034, Milwaukee C016- IA034/E025/MAG033 Nebraska C016, Southeastern Michigan E025/EM014/GRSS029/IA034/IE013/PE031/PEL035/RA024/VT006, Toledo PE031, Twin Cities AE010/C016/COM019/SP001/E025/EMBS018/EM014/PEL035/PE031

10 Electronic Communications l Entity Web Hosting l IEEE currently hosts approximately 1,280 websites through Entity Web Hosting (EWH). Posting units are responsible for site content, its maintenance and its conformance to IEEE policy. l The following units from Region 4 are individually hosted on EWH: l Sections – Arrowhead, Calumet, Central Iowa, Chicago, Fort Wayne, Iowa-Illinois, Milwaukee, Missouri Slope, Nebraska, Red River Valley, Southern Minnesota, Toledo, West Michigan l Councils - Metropolitan Area Section

11 Electronic Communications l SAMIEEE l Provides automatic access for many volunteers based on current officer positions. Potentially over 5,000 volunteers have access to the member data l To date over 300 volunteers have been trained to use the web based tool via Internet Conferencing. Training is not required for gaining access l With the introduction of the IEEE Business Management System this year, the tool will be changed to Siebel Analytics. User documentation and training schedules are being developed

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