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Naturopath Heike Siemes

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1 Naturopath Heike Siemes



4 Bio-resonance Test Evalutation based on 133 patients

5 Patient Result of test Positiv X Negativ 133 Patients
Heavy metal burden Lanthanides /rare elements Environmental Pollultants Solvents Bacteria Tapeworms Parasites Viruses Fungus and mycotoxins Azo-dyes Allergies/Intolerances Disturbed detoxification S,E, x S.D.. S.P S.R. S.A. T.I. U.L. V.L. V.P. V.M. T.E. W.L. W.K. W.P. Za.L. x Z.G. D.L. El.H. F. R.H. L.S. M.F. Pos. 118 53 108 110 111 60 120 93 117 97 99 109 Neg. 15 80 25 23 22 73 13 40 16 36 34 24 Result of test Positiv X Negativ

6 Percentage of the measured burdens Evaluation based on 133 patients
Metals % Lanthanides % Pollutants % Solvents % Bacteria % Tapeworms % Parasites % Viruses % Fungus and mycotoxins % Azo-dyes % Allergies ,5% Disturbed detoxification %

7 Patient Metals Lauthanides rare metals Environmenttal Pollutants
133 Patients Amalgam Aluminium Arsen Blei Cadmium Chrom Gold Kobalt Kupfer Nickel Palladium Platin Quecksilber Silber Thalium Vanadium Cesium Titan Gadolinum Germanium Lanthan Thulium Asbest Formaldehyd Glasfaser FCKW PCB DAP Urethan Hypoclorit Chlor Europäisches Chlor S.H. x S.B. S.E. S.D. S.P. S.R. S.A. T.I. U.L, V.A. V.P. T.E. W.L. W.K. W.P. Z.K. Z,D. Z.G. Z.D. El H.F. Röhl, Heidrun L.S. x M.F. Pos. 79 76 113 53 85 67 99 111 24 3 92 34 59 51 12 2 23 18 32 57 95 19 31 55 45 Neg. 133 54 20 80 48 66 22 109 130 41 74 82 121 131 110 115 101 38 114 102 78 88

8 Percentage of Heavy Metals (tested on 133 Patients)
Amalgams % Alluminum ,4% Arsenic ,1% Lead % Cadmium % Chromium % Gold % Cobalt ,4% Copper ,5% Nickel ,5% Palladium % Platin ,3% Mercury ,1% Silver ,6% Thallium ,5% Vanadium ,4% Cesium % Titanium ,5%

9 Percentage of Lanthanides (tested on 133 Patients)
Gadolinum ,3% Germanium ,3 % Lanthaniun ,5 % Thulium %

10 Percentage of Environmental Pollutants (tested on 133 Patients)
Asbestos % Formaldehyde ,5 % Fiberglass ,3 % Freon ,3 % PCBs ,4 % DAP ,5 % Urethane ,3 % Hypochloride ,8 % Bleach ,4 % European bleach %

11 Patient 133 Patients Z.G.. x Z.D. El H. F R.H. L.S. M.F. Pos 21 30 94
Solvents Bacteria Tapeworms Patient 133 Patients PCP Lindan Benzol Isopropanol Methanol Toluol Xylol Borellia Burgdorferi Verschieden Clostridien Allgemein Chlostridium botulinu, Clostridium tetani Clostridium perfringens Clostridium septicum Escherichia coli Mycobakterium phlei Neisseria gonorrhoeae Neisseria meningitis Proteus vulgaris Rhizobium meliloti Salmonella enteritidis Salmonella typhi u. paratyohi Shigella flexnerie Staphylococcus aureus Streptococcus pneumoniae Streptococcus pyogenes Beta streptococcus Helicobacter pylori Lactobcillus casei Bacillus cereus Echinococcus granulosus Echinococcus multilocularis Taenia pisiformis Taeniae solium Moniezia expansa Taenia saginata Z.G.. x Z.D. El H. F R.H. L.S. M.F. Pos 21 30 94 87 26 16 29 82 7 4 80 1 69 52 68 43 39 5 20 59 47 8 3 12 9 Neg 112 103 46 107 117 104 51 126 129 53 133 132 64 91 65 90 81 128 113 74 86 125 130 121 124

12 Percentage of Solvents (tested on 133 Patients)
PCP ,8% Lindane ,5% Benzene ,7 % Isopropyl alcohol ,4 % Methanol ,5 % Toluene ,5 % Xylene %

13 Percentage of Bacteria (tested on 133 Patients)
Borellia Burgdorferi (Lyme‘s) ,8 % Clostridium ,6 % E. coli ,2 % Proteus vulgaris ,8 % Rhizobium meliloti % Salmonella enterididis % Salmonella typhi ,1 % Shigella flexnerie % Staphylococcus aureus ,3 % Staphylococcus pneumoniae ,3 % Staphylococcus pyogenes ,1 %

14 Percentage of Bacteria ( tested on 133 Patients)
Heliobacter pylori % Lactobacillus casei ,5 % Bacillus cereus ,3 %

15 Percentage of tapeworms (tested on 133 Patients)
Echinococcus % Taenia pisiformis % Taenia solium ,8 % Moniezia expansa ,5 % Taenia saginata ,8 %

16 Patient 133 Patients U.L x V.A. V.P. V.M. T.E. W.L. W.K. W.P. Z.F.
Parasites Virueses Fungus and mycotoxins Patient 133 Patients Ancylostoma canium Alle Ascaris lumbricoides u. magalocephala Clonorchis sinensis Dirofilaria Echinostoma revolutum Alle Eurythrema pancreaticum Alle Fasciola hepatica Alle Fasciolopsis buski Naegleria fowleri Giardia lamblia Schistosomen allgemein Strongyloides Toxoplasma Trichinella spiralis Loa Loa Hausstaubmilbe E.recurvatum Oxyuren Paragonimus Macracanthoryhynchos Onchocerca volvulus Coxsackie Virus Ebstein Barr Virus Herpes Simplex Papilloma Virus Aflatoxin Aspergillus, Penicillum, Rhizopus Candida Albicans Candita parapsilosisi Zearaleon Ergot (Mutterkorn) Patulin Pneumocystis carnii Mucor mucedo Mucor racemosus U.L x V.A. V.P. V.M. T.E. W.L. W.K. W.P. Z.F. Z.L. Z.G. Z.D. El H.F. R.H. L.S. M.F. Pos. 18 117 103 45 11 54 101 79 4 8 9 94 15 24 27 36 26 6 7 16 63 59 25 106 88 102 82 12 2 Neg. 115 30 122 32 129 125 124 34 118 109 97 107 127 126 114 70 74 108 31 51 121 131

17 Percentage of Parasites (tested on 133 Patients)
Ancylostoma canium % Ascaris % Clonorchis sinensis ,5 % Dirofilaria ,8 % Echinostoma revolutum ,2 % Eurythrema pancreaticum ,6 % Fasciola hepatica % Fasciolopsis buski ,4 % Strongyloides ,1 % Toxoplasma ,3 %

18 Percentage of Parasites (tested on 133 patients)
Trichinella spiralis ,8 % Loa Loa ,3 % Dust mites ,1 % E. recurvatum ,5 %

19 Percentage of Viruses (tested on 133 patients)
Cocksackie Virus % Ebstein Barr Virus ,4 % Herpes simplex ,5 % Papilloma Virus ,8 %

20 Percentage of Fungus and Mycotoxins (tested on 133 patients)
Aflatoxin ,7 % Aspergillus ,1 % Candida albicans ,7 % Candida parapsilosis ,6 % Mucor mucedo %

21 Patient 134 Patients General Milk Egg yolk Pork Wheat Egg white
Dye Allergies /Intolerances Disturbed detoxification Patient 134 Patients General Milk Egg yolk Pork Wheat Egg white Lactose Liver Gallbladder Colon Skin Lungs Kidneys Lymph Metals metalswermetall Belastung Bacteria Belastung Chemicals Belastung Extracellular burden Z:f. x Z.L. Z.G. Z.D. El H.F. R.H. L.S. M.F. Pos 95 93 30 42 91 4 85 62 55 29 36 64 37 72 70 43 Neg 39 41 104 92 130 49 79 105 98 97

22 Percentage of Azo-dyes (tested on 134 patients)
Intolerance/Main allergen Milk ,4 % Egg yolk % Pork ,4 % Wheat ,9 % Egg white ,4 % Lactose ,9 %

23 Percentage of Disturbed Detoxification (tested on 134 patients)
Liver ,4 % Gallbladder ,3 % Colon % Skin ,6 % Lungs ,7 % Kidneys ,7 % Lymph ,6 % Heavy metals ,7 % Bacteria ,2 % Chemicals % Extracellular burden %

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