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Introduction to International Policing CJ107 Unit #2 Pat McDonald.

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1 Introduction to International Policing CJ107 Unit #2 Pat McDonald

2 Class Advice Keep up to date on your work Includes: Reading DB’s Seminars Quizzes

3 Foundations of International Criminal Law International laws that hold individuals responsible Priracy – one of first noted under International Criminal Law WWII – Crimes against humanity

4 Foundations of International Criminal Law WWII Genocide Legal under German law UN General Assembly Resolution Universal Declaration of Human Rights Formation of nongovt organizations Amnesty International Human Rights Watch

5 Foundations of International Criminal Law Two types of International Criminal Law Core crimes Crimes against humanity War crimes Genocide Transnational criminal law Crimes of international concern

6 Foundations of International Criminal Law Treaties Geneva Conventions 1949 Genocide Convention of 1948 Rome Treaty 2003 Hague Conventions of 1899 & 1907 Both deal with conduct of war, treatment of civillians and prisoners

7 United Nations Role of UN in international criminal justice Not a “World Government”

8 United Nations 4 main purposes To keep peace throughout the world: To develop friendly relations among nations; To help nations work together to improve the lives of the poor, conquer hunger, disease and illeteracy and to encourage respect for rights and freedoms To create a center for harmonizing the actions of nations to achieve these goals

9 United Nations Roots: Founded at the end of WWII Forum for debating global issues Power to enforce it’s will on rogue governments but not step on preogatives of sovereign states

10 United Nations Four primary bodies: General Assembly Security Council Charged with maintaining international peace Example was first Gulf War Secretariat International Court of Justice

11 United Nations Scope of Authority

12 United Nations Current Activities: Libya Bosnia War Crimes

13 International Criminal Courts Role of International Criminal Courts in international criminal justice Permanent criminal court to prosecute international criminals Ad hoc tribunals Some see as kangroo court

14 Knowledge Through Google Drazen Erdemovic – Yugoslavia International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda

15 Points from Unit 3 US had Iraqi court try Saddam Hussein Nazi Leadership Trials Informal trial & executions VS Public trial to set international standards

16 The U.S. and the ICC Clinton signed the Rome Treaty but refused to send it to Congress Bush later “unsigned” the Rome Treaty Congress passes the “American Service Members Protection Act” (pg 49)

17 The U.S. and the ICC American Service Members Protection Act…..created due to: U.S. being kicked off UN Human Rights Commission man/ Concern for safety of US Service Members

18 Your thoughts……?

19 Next Week PPT assignment due Describe the advent of international criminal law. Explain the role played by the International Court of Justice in international criminal law. Explain the role played by the United Nations in international criminal law. Explain the role treaties play in international criminal law. Read Chapters 4 & 5 Check out the “Extra! Extra!”

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