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The business logic engine for Microsoft IIS Speaker T.M. Arnett.

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Presentation on theme: "The business logic engine for Microsoft IIS Speaker T.M. Arnett."— Presentation transcript:

1 The business logic engine for Microsoft IIS Speaker T.M. Arnett

2 WebApp Server Details CO M

3 WebApp WBO Contains  Data Dictionary Object Structure DDOs)  Based on Data-Dictionary rules (DD classes)  Built in Data Handling Processes  Update & Validate, Save, Delete, Find, Clear, Find by RecId, DD Field Values and Attributes  Custom Processes  Custom Reporting Objects  A Controlled External Interface WBO Data Dictionaries //WBO Object oMyWBO is a... Function MyFunction : End_Function RegisterInterface MyFunction

4 WebApp ASP Contains  Embedded Script Code  Calls to WebApp WBO Objects   VBScript code “Islands”  Calls to Built-in ASP Objects  Response, Request, Session, Server, Application,  Standard HTML code  Markup text, Input Forms, Client Script IIS Web Server ASP <% Err = oMyFunction %> ASP Page

5 ASP call to a WBO will...  Execute a Process  Save a Record  Find a Record  Return a value to Script function that called it  Return a Field value  Return an Error Code  Output HTML code to the Page being created  Generate a report in HTML format  Generate an HTML input control WBO Data Dictionaries //WBO Object oMyWBO is a... Function MyFunction : End_Function RegisterInterface MyFunction IIS Web Server ASP <% Err = oMyFunction %> ASP Page

6 Communications between ASPs & WBOs  Built in Methods  DDValue  Call

7 ASP accesses a WBO via...  Built in Methods  RequestSave  RequestDelete  RequestFind  RequestClear  RequestDDUpdate These can be disabled by the WBO … … </html IIS Web Server ASP Page WBO Object oMyWBO is a...... Object Cust_DD is a Cust_DataDictionary End_Object … Set pbAllowSaveNew to True Set pbAllowSaveEdit to False Set pbAllowDelete to False Set pbAllowClear to False Set pbAllowFind to False Data Dictionaries

8 ASP accesses a WBO via...  DDValue  Retrieves information about your DDOs  Used most often to retrieve field values  Can be used to build dynamic input controls … … </html IIS Web Server ASP Page WBO Object oMyWBO is a...... Object Cust_DD is a Cust_DataDictionary End_Object … Data Dictionaries

9 ASP accesses a WBO via...  Call  For Custom interface methods  Can be used to call any process within a WBO  This is the hook that lets you do anything  Only registered WBO methods can be called (security) WBO Object oLoginUser is a...... Function Login_User string sUserId string sPass returns integer // we will find the user record and check password is correct Function_return iRetVal End_function … Send RegisterInterface get_login_user "get_login_user" ; "sUserId sPass" ; "Attempt to log in user. return True if Login succeeds" Data Dictionaries … LoginOk =”get_Login_User",UserName,UserPass) … </html IIS Web Server ASP Page

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