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January 2011City of Boise 1 City of Boise Employee & Supervisor Training Timecard Entry (CyberShift) Department – Public Works.

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Presentation on theme: "January 2011City of Boise 1 City of Boise Employee & Supervisor Training Timecard Entry (CyberShift) Department – Public Works."— Presentation transcript:

1 January 2011City of Boise 1 City of Boise Employee & Supervisor Training Timecard Entry (CyberShift) Department – Public Works

2 City of Boise2 January 2011 Agenda Introduction – Reason for Change Logging On Dashboard Calendar Specifics Time Entry  Basics  Common Adjustments Time Card Approval Absence Request Absence Approval Clocks  Web Clock Kiosk  Web Clock – UTE  Standard  Bio-Metrics (Airport only) Checking Clock Times Accruals / Balances (viewing) Timecard keeping process / workflow Wrap up

3 City of Boise3 January 2011 Cybershift?

4 City of Boise4 January 2011

5 City of Boise5 January 2011 Logging On To log on to Cybershift, perform the following steps: Open your web browser. Enter the web address or URL provided to you by your System Administrator. The login window displays: Enter “BOISE” in the Client Id field. Enter your Novel User Name in the User Name field. This field is case sensitive and should be all small letters. Enter your Password in the Password field. Your initial password is set up as 1234. Note: If you have forgotten your password, click the Forgot Password? link (if enabled) and provide the required information. An email will be sent to you with a random, safe password that you will be required to change upon initial login. Click the Login button. The main workspace window will display To log off- click “log off” button in upper right corner Exercise#1: Log into CyberShift  Access web link  Enter Client ID, User Name, & Password  Log off

6 City of Boise6 January 2011 Dashboard & Layout Default = “Classic” view Choose Messages Enter Time Enter Criteria

7 City of Boise7 January 2011 Calendar Specifics: Set range example #3: Click on start date & drag to end date Set range example #2: 1: Click on mini calendar for From: 2: Click on mini calendar for To: You can select today for setting single date or choose a day on calendar for single dates Example #1 Enter From & To dates to set range or single date

8 City of Boise8 January 2011 Actions & Codes in use *click on magnifying glasses will display in dashboard area! To use actions and codes in a timesheet, you:  #1 select the action  #2 select the code #1 Select Action type #2 Select code type

9 City of Boise9 January 2011 Common Actions & Codes Common use codes Each Action has a corresponding list of codes:  Action list: 11 known action types  WRK, ABP, ABU, OFF, BNS, UNP, BNK, BRK, JOB, WTH, ENT  List may change over time Many codes to memorize- will be scrubbed over time ***Stick with the common codes- learn others over time ActionCodeDescription WRKWWorked CPEComp Time Earned OTOvertime OTSOvertime Straight RegRegular Pay --------------------------------------------------------- ABPADMAdmin Leave with pay BRLBereavement Leave CPTComp Time Taken FLTFloating Holiday HOLHoliday JURJury Duty MTLMilitary Leave SLSick Leave VACVacation Day VPTVacation Taken ReTaxed --------------------------------------------------------- BNSMLGMileage Reimbursement --------------------------------------------------------- BRKLUNLunch *Actions & codes are key elements to timecard entry

10 City of Boise10 January 2011 Super Time Sheet Exercise #2: Enter time in super timesheet  Enter “me” on Who: field  Select timecard from What field: Super Time Sheet  Click Go!  Enter time & date information; actions, codes, add rows, or other criteria; view clock data  Save all / apply changes Enables multi-day entries for projects Work Order Exercise:  Click magnifying glass to view options  Search if can’t find  Select work order

11 City of Boise11 January 2011 Enter Time in Detail Exercise #3: Enter time in detail  Enter “me” on Who: field  Select timecard from What field: Enter Time in Detail  Click Go!  Enter time & date information; actions, codes, add rows, or other criteria; view clock data  Save all / apply changes Use when adjusting meal breaks

12 City of Boise12 January 2011 Correcting missed clock-in 1) Enter shift code by clicking on magnifying glass and entering the same number that appears for that day normally. You can copy and paste the number from a prior day. 2) Enter the start and stop time. Remember to use leading zeros for numbers less than 10. 3) Select the timesheet line, change action to WRK and code to (W) 4) Enter the start and end time – don’t worry about lunch it will fill it in. 5) Click apply changes

13 City of Boise13 January 2011 Changing the lunch taken 1.Remove the check mark on the “Meal Break” by clicking on the check mark. 2.Click on field to the left of the line you want to delete (in this case the BRK) 3.Click on “Delete Row” 4.Apply Changes 5.Save All

14 City of Boise14 January 2011 Time Card Approval (Supervisors view) Exercise # 4: View Team  Select “who” = my team  Select “what” = View payroll Summary Exercise #5: View employee  Click on employee name to drill down & view Exercise #6: Make a change  Select person in who  Drill down on name  Modify & save Exercise # 7: Approve time / payroll  Select “who” = my team/ “what” = View payroll Summary  Click go or approve all or select approval for each employee & Save!! You can filter by criteria approvals To drill down click name

15 City of Boise15 January 2011 Absence Request Exercise# 8: Schedule / Request absence  Select “who” = me  Select “what” = Schedule Absence (T) or (D) to request  Choose / enter day or date ranges criteria, and verify availability  Submit- supervisors will get request message and approve or deny Schedule Absence (T) – used by non-exempts Schedule Absence (D) – used by exempts Time will not Show Immediately

16 City of Boise16 January 2011 Absence Approval (Supervisor view)  Exercise# 9: Approve / deny absence  Select “who” = employee or click on message link to request  Select “what” = view messages  Supervisors- check messages, & approve or deny  Save Requests & timecard messages will show here Time will not Show Immediately

17 City of Boise17 January 2011 Clocks Web Kiosk UWI – Web Clock Standard Bio-Metrics – used only by Airport

18 City of Boise18 January 2011 Open your web browser. Enter the web address or URL provided to you by your System Administrator. The login window displays: Enter the unique Client Id in the Client Id field. Enter your User Name in the User Name field. Enter your Password in the Password field. This field is case sensitive. Click the Login button. The main workspace window will display To log off- click red “log out” button Exercise#7: Clock in w/ Web Kiosk  Access web link  Enter Client ID, User Name, & Password  “Swipe” by clicking on Clock On button  Click OK to clock on  Log off Web Clock Kiosk 1 2 3 4 *Click through the warning if hit

19 City of Boise19 January 2011 Web Clock (UWI) Exercise #8: Clock on using web clock  Select “me” in Who list  Select “Web Clock” from What list  Click Go  Click “Clock On” to swipe  Log off Select Employee or team Select view desired Select date range Click Go to retrieve data Select date Access web link Enter Client ID, User Name, password Optional Exercise: Lunch Punch

20 City of Boise20 January 2011 Standard Clocks Badges required to use Supplemental training coming Locations will vary with department

21 City of Boise21 January 2011 Viewing Clock Data & Payroll Summary (from web) Exercise #10: view Payroll Summary  Select “me” in Who list  Select “Payroll Summary” from What list  Click Go Exercise #9: view clock data  Select “me” in Who list  Select “View Clock Data” from What list  Click Go

22 City of Boise22 January 2011 Accruals / Balances (viewing) Exercise #11: View Accruals  Select “me” in Who list  Select “View Accruals” from What list or in shortcuts  Click Go

23 City of Boise23 January 2011 Timecard Keeping Process Workflow TIMECARDS ARE DUE BY MONDAY 10:00 AM TO YOUR SUPERVISORS TIMECARDS ARE DUE BY TUESDAY 5:00 PM TO PAYROLL

24 City of Boise24 January 2011 Wrap Up Know your user group type (clock used y/n?) Use STG1 database for “What If” scenario, TST1 for dual timesheet entry. Follow up with payroll admin / supervisors as needed Go live date May 1st! Send questions / feedback to FAQ page page

25 City of Boise25 January 2011 Back up Time In Detail Labor Distribution

26 City of Boise26 January 2011 Time Entry – Enter Time in Detail (Non-Exempt) Exercise #12: Enter Time  Enter “me” on Who: field  Select timecard from What field: (Enter Time in Detail / Super Time Sheet)  Click Go!  Enter all criteria, time & date information, actions, codes  Save Select Employee or team Select view desired Select date range Click Go to retrieve data Select date Exercise Lunch Punch: In time card, add row select Action BRK Select code LUN Save & log off Back to Web Clock UWI

27 City of Boise27 January 2011 Time Entry – Labor Distribution Timecard (Exempt) Exercise# 13: Enter Time  Enter “me” on Who: field  Select timecard from What field: (Enter Time in Detail / Labor Distribution / Super Time Sheet)  Click Go  Enter date and time information, actions, codes  Save Hours auto populate based on shift / schedule assigned. Set action and code as needed Only need to modify hours if different from shift / schedule

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