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Treasure Hunters Treasure Hunters is an incentive program designed to get students interested and involved in using non-fiction texts to locate, find.

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2 Treasure Hunters Treasure Hunters is an incentive program designed to get students interested and involved in using non-fiction texts to locate, find and synthesize information. Through this program students will be knowledgeable about how to access resources, record relevant factual information, organize information, and present information in new way. These information literacy skills are necessary skills for students in today’s world.

3 Backward Planning This project was created using the concept of backward planning. The following slide has a list of information literacy skills I wanted my middle school students to leave my school with. These are the goals which Treasure Hunters was built around.

4 Goals: By the end of middle school, my students will be able to: Find a book using the OPAC which covers a topic of interest; Locate that book on the shelves using the call number and the Dewey Decimal System; Assess if the book found will be able to help them accomplish their goal; Find an online encyclopedia article on the same subject; Find an online magazine, newspaper, or journal article on the same subject; Find the appropriate facts within the article and take notes in the proper format; Write a research paper by using the facts gathered on note cards from the above multiple types of sources; and Properly create a list of Works Cited in MLA format

5 How students can participate This program will be ongoing throughout the school year, and students at any grade level can become involved at any time during the year. The difficulty level increases with each task completed. Students must complete requirements of one level before moving on to the next. Students must sign up with me in the library and submit all documents to me if they’d like to participate.

6 Levels of the Program There are six levels of completion. They are listed below from entry to expert: –Cabin boy –Gunner –Boatswain –Quartermaster –First Mate –Captain

7 Cabin Boy To be a cabin boy, you must complete the following requirements until they are mastered. –Read a non-fiction book. –Gather 5 facts from that source and write them in your own words. –List the title and author of your book.

8 Gunner To become a gunner, a student must meet the following requirements until they are mastered: –OPAC proficient –Book location skills –Bibliography of the book using MLA format –Note taking skills –Complete formal notecards based on the size of the book 5 cards for 35-50 page book 10 cards for 51-70 page book 15 cards for 71+ page book

9 Boatswain To become a Boatswain, a student must master the following requirements: –Use 2 different sources on the same subject –10 notecards from the book –5 notecards from the other source –Bibliography in proper MLA format for both sources

10 Quartermaster To be a quartermaster, students must complete the following requirements until they are mastered. –2 different sources on the same subject - 1 book; 1 electronic article (not Internet) –10 cards for the book –10 cards for the other source –Mrs. Gantt’s “folder” to help sort and organize. –Summary of the book using at least 10 facts from the note cards –Bibliography in proper MLA format for both sources

11 First Mate To be a First mate, you must complete the following requirements until they are mastered. –3 different sources on the same subject - 1 book; 1 electronic article (not Internet); 1 of student’s choice –30 notecards total –Mrs. Gantt’s “folder” to help sort and organize –1-2 page research paper using facts from cards –Bibliography in proper MLA format for all sources

12 Captain To be a Captain, you must complete the following requirements until they are mastered. –4 sources - 1 book; 1 print encyclopedia article; 1 electronic article (not Internet); 1 of student’s choice –50 notecards –Mrs. Gantt’s “folder” to help sort and organize –2-3 page research paper (parenthetical documentation used if quotes included) –Bibliography in proper MLA format for all sources used.

13 Prizes This is where the incentive lies. At my school, I’m going to give out prizes as each student meets each requirement. Some students will have to repeat a level before they are moved up but each time they do it, they’ll win something. Use your discretion in this area for your situation.

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