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No Child Left Behind Title I, Part A Program Annual Meeting Raul C. Martinez Elementary Date: 09/17/2015 Presenter: Erica Smith Teacher Specialist.

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Presentation on theme: "No Child Left Behind Title I, Part A Program Annual Meeting Raul C. Martinez Elementary Date: 09/17/2015 Presenter: Erica Smith Teacher Specialist."— Presentation transcript:

1 No Child Left Behind Title I, Part A Program Annual Meeting Raul C. Martinez Elementary Date: 09/17/2015 Presenter: Erica Smith Teacher Specialist

2 Title I Annual Meeting In 2001, the federal government passed the NCLB Act which provided identified schools with federal funds for the purpose of supplementing the instructional program of schools to ensure a high quality education for students that would help them meet the state standard (currently STAAR – State of Texas Assessment for Academic Readiness). 2

3 How Schools Qualify Campuses with a low-income percentage of 40%-100% are considered “school- wide” campuses. Campuses with a low-income percentage of 35-39% are considered a “targeted assistance” campus. Campuses with a low-income percentage below 35% are not eligible for Title I funds. 3

4 Title I Annual Meeting These “supplemental” federal funds are used to: Accelerate instruction for struggling students, Provide professional-development for teachers and paraprofessionals, Hire highly qualified personnel, Give additional resources – technology, personnel, materials, instructional programs, software, and Encourage parent and family involvement. 4

5 Supplemental Dollars? This means that Title I, Part A funds cannot be used to provide services that are required by: –State Law –State Board of Education Rule –Local Policy 5

6 Raul C. Martinez Elementary At Raul C. Martinez Elementary we spend our Title I dollars on: 1.After School Tutorials and Enrichment 2.Academic materials to support increased student performance 6

7 Parental Involvement Research has proven that students whose parents are involved in their education have greater success in school. So, the Title I Grant supports activities that focus on parental and family involvement. 7

8 Parental Involvement Requirements 8 Parent Notifications (These are regular written communications to inform parents). Examples of parent notifications are: –School-Parent Compact (These are statements of shared responsibilities). –Parent Involvement Policy (This is a plan to involve parents).

9 Parental Involvement Requirements 9 PAC (Parent Advisory Council) Meetings – These are regular face-to-face meetings to provide trainings to parents as well as collaborate with them about the progress of their child’s education. Parent Involvement Surveys – The districtwide (Your Voice) survey evaluates the campus’ parent involvement program.

10 Raul C. Martinez Elementary At Raul C. Martinez Elementary we want you to be involved. Here are some ways that you can be involved in your child's school: 1. Volunteer to assist with arrival and dismissal duties 2. Volunteer to assist with classroom projects 10

11 Other Requirements 11 The Federal Report Card This report card informs parents of the performance of the campus. –At R. Martinez Elementary we send a letter home with an internet link to the report card for our school. –We also make a copy available in the main office

12 Raul C. Martinez Elementary 12 At R. Martinez Elementary we are committed to using our Title I funds to impact student learning and achievement to the maximum!

13 13 The External Funding Department (Title I) is fundamentally focused to providing quality support to all Title I campuses and central office staff to ensure that all students achieve academic success. Pamela Evans Manager External Funding Department (Title I) Remember that…

14 Questions? Raul C. Martinez Elementary Erica Smith, Title I Contact 713-671-3680 14

15 Thank you Date: 09/17/2015 Presenter: Erica Smith Teacher Specialist

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