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How to properly integrate sources into your research paper.

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Presentation on theme: "How to properly integrate sources into your research paper."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to properly integrate sources into your research paper

2 Integrating Sources O What does the word “Integrate” mean? O How would you integrate a source?

3 Introducing SAMMY SOURCE!!!! – Help him, Help you write an awesome paper!

4 Step 1 O Prepare your source (This where your notecards help!) O Know what information you are taking out of a source to include in your paper O Sammy has a lot of pages know what you are using

5 Step 2 O Introduce your source O Give your extracted information a lead in, so that it flows nicely with what you have been writing, and the reader understands where the information comes from O Introduce Sammy so it is not an awkward party

6 Step 3, Choice A O Summarize the information from the source O Include a relatively brief non-biased account, in your own words of the main ideas in a source or a source passage O You want to know what makes Sammy tick

7 Step 3, Choice B O Paraphrase the information from the source O Restate, in your own words, of a passage of text. Its structure reflects (but does not copy) the structure of the source passage, and may roughly the same length, but uses different words O Put Sammy’s ideas in your own words

8 Step 3, Choice C O Quote the information in the source O Use the exact words of a source, making sure to use quotation marks around the words. O Sometimes Sammy says it best and does all the heavy lifting

9 Step 4 O Last, but not least….. O Explain what the information means! Including a citation or information is not any good if you don’t explain it!! O Remember to provide a citation (footnote) in Chicago style – SEE THE BIBLIOGRAPHY GUIDE O Remember….when in doubt SITE IT. Each paragraph should have at least one citation at the end of it. O Give Sammy the credit that he deserves!

10 Step 5 – Sammy is hungry for more citations – About 10 should do the trick

11 Do Now: O Write down what your favorite food is O Write down all of the ingredients that go into it

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