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INCLUSION DOCUMENT Administration Meeting January 22, 2009 Star City School.

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1 INCLUSION DOCUMENT Administration Meeting January 22, 2009 Star City School

2 NESD Student Services Leadership Team SMART Goal (2007-08) By April 2008 we will develop a process to make the conception of inclusion consistent and effective in practice in the NESD. Data obtained can be used as baseline data for LIPS and PLC work

3 NESD DEFINITION OF INCLUSION In the North East School Division we define inclusion as a value system which holds that all students are entitled to equitable access to learning, achievement and the pursuit of excellence in all aspects of their education. The practice of inclusion transcends the idea of physical location, and incorporates basic values that promote participation, friendship and interaction.

4 Inclusion involves bringing the support services to the child rather than moving the child to the services) and requires only that the child will benefit from being in the class (rather than having to keep up with the other students). Schools that embody effective principles and practices of inclusion coordinate and unify educational programs and supports in order that all children, including those with diverse needs, belong and can learn effectively.

5 Inclusion is often associated with students who have impairment or students seen as “having special educational needs”. However, in the Index, inclusion is about the education of all children and young people. The Index is not an additional initiative but a way of improving schools according to inclusive values.

6 PART ONE - REFLECTION Part One of the Inclusion Document is to be read and used as part of the reflection process. The intention is that a school staff will review the material included in Part One and complete the surveys contained in the appendices.

7 It is expected that staff, parents, students, as well as other stakeholders, be given the opportunity to complete the surveys found in Appendices B and C.

8 USING THE INDEX Three Dimensions: Creating Inclusive Cultures Producing Inclusive Policies Evolving Inclusive Practices

9 WHY USE THE INDEX?? Many schools, in widely differing circumstances, find the Index helpful in allowing them to take a degree of control over their own inclusive development; analyzing what they do, determining priorities for change and putting these into practice.

10 SURVEYS Appendix B is the staff index. Appendix B identifies a variety of personnel you might ask to complete the survey. Appendix C can used to get feedback from students and parents.

11 SURVEY DATA Once all surveys are completed and returned to the school, a committee can be formed to review the information contained in the surveys. The committee should be made up of representatives of all stakeholders. The main purpose of the review committee is to celebrate the areas of strength and to prioritize areas for growth.

12 NOW WHAT??? There is a Part Two. Part Two of the NESD Inclusion Document is intended to help each committee and school with the planning process and to help each school create an action plan.

13 PART TWO Review areas for growth and develop SMART goals to address the needs. A plan for further reflection and measurement is strongly recommended. Re-administering the surveys after a period of time is recommended as one way to measure growth of the SMART goals.


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