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A Brief History of Autism  Identified and named in 1943 by Dr. Leo Kanner, a psychologist who described a group of 11 children “whose condition differs.

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Presentation on theme: "A Brief History of Autism  Identified and named in 1943 by Dr. Leo Kanner, a psychologist who described a group of 11 children “whose condition differs."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Brief History of Autism  Identified and named in 1943 by Dr. Leo Kanner, a psychologist who described a group of 11 children “whose condition differs so markedly and uniquely from anything reported so far…”  Current research indicates autism is caused by neurological impairment affecting brain chemistry and/or brain structure (Harvard Medical School, 1997).  The exact cause of the neurological impairment is not yet known.

2 IDEA Definition of Autism  Developmental disability that significantly affects verbal and non-verbal communication and social interaction  Adverse affect on educational performance  Associated with engagement in repetitive activities and stereotyped movements, resistance to environmental change or change in daily routines, and unusual responses to sensory experiences

3 Key areas of childhood development that are affected by Autism:  Communication (verbal and non-verbal)  Socialization/Engagement with others  Developmental rates and sequences  Sensory processing

4 People with ASD may exhibit these core deficits:  Difficulty processing auditory information  Difficulty generalizing skills  Difficulty with sequencing  Difficulty transitioning  Difficulty with time concepts and time management

5 Inclusion Strategies Include:  Consistent classroom routines  Visual instructions, rules, and schedules  Use of self-calming area  Plan ahead to prevent problems  Structure physical space  Structure academic work

6 Students with ASD may exhibit deficits in areas of communication:  Echolalia  Abstract and inferential thinking  Understanding figurative language  Auditory memory/processing  Social interactions

7 Students with ASD may exhibit deficits in sensory processing :  Sensitivity/insensitivity to sensory information  Regulation of activity level  Control of impulses  Motor skills and/or planning

8 Students with ASD may exhibit deficits in social skills:  Reciprocity  Eye contact  Nonverbal communication  Empathy  Initiating or engaging appropriately  Initiating, terminating, and/or repairing conversations

9 Students with ASD may exhibit behavioral deficits:  Ritualistic and compulsive  Impulsivity  Stereotypic behaviors  Aggression toward self or others  Inappropriate social interactions

10 Remember:  It isn’t that our students can’t understand  It is how we package the information we want them to understand

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