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High-Speed Wireline Communication Systems Prof. Brian L. Evans Dept. of Electrical and Comp. Eng. The University of Texas at Austin

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Presentation on theme: "High-Speed Wireline Communication Systems Prof. Brian L. Evans Dept. of Electrical and Comp. Eng. The University of Texas at Austin"— Presentation transcript:

1 High-Speed Wireline Communication Systems Prof. Brian L. Evans Dept. of Electrical and Comp. Eng. The University of Texas at Austin Current graduate students: Ming Ding, Zukang Shen Ex-graduate students: Güner Arslan (Silicon Laboratories), Biao Lu (Schlumberger), Milos Milosevic (Schlumberger) Ex-undergraduate students: Wade Berglund, Jerel Canales, David Love, Ketan Mandke, Scott Margo, Esther Resendiz, Jeff Wu

2 18 - 2 Schlumberger Downhole Data Communications Downhole drilling –Cable of several miles in length –Power and data delivered on cables (harmonics) –Motors downhole turning on and off (harmonics) –Downhole borehead faces high temperatures, vibrations, etc. Need for speed –Uplink: digitized images/properties of ground (high data rate) –Downlink: command, control, and programs (low data rate) Need for asymmetric data communications –High-the-better uplink data rates –Lower-the-better bit error rates on both links Approaches –Single channel, single carrier (e.g. quadrature amplitude modulation) –Single channel, multiple carriers (e.g discrete multitone modulation) –Multiple channels

3 18 - 3 –Single carrier –Single signal, occupying entire available bandwidth –Symbol rate is bandwidth of signal being centered on carrier frequency –Mike Kuei-che Cheng, Improving the Performance of a Wireline Telemetry Receiver, MS Thesis, UT Austin, 1997. Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) Bits Constellation encoder Bandpass Lowpass filter I Q Transmit cos(2  f c t) sin(2  f c t) - Modulator I Q 00110 frequency channel magnitude fcfc

4 18 - 4 Multicarrier Modulation Divide broadband channel into narrowband subchannels –No ISI in subchannels if constant gain in every subchannel and if ideal sampling –Each subchannel has a different carrier Discrete multitone modulation –Based on fast Fourier transform –Standardized for ADSL and VDSL –Used in Schlumberger downhole modems subchannel (QAM signal) frequency magnitude carrier DTFT -1 pulse sinc  n cc  c channel Subchannels are 4.3 kHz wide in ADSL and VDSL

5 18 - 5 Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Broadband Access Customer Premises high data rate low data rate Voice Switch Central Office DSLAM DSL modem LPF Interne t DSLAM - Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer LPF – Low Pass Filter (passes voiceband frequencies) Telephone Network

6 18 - 6 Simulation Results for 17-Tap Equalizers Parameters Cyclic prefix length 32 FFT size (N) 512 Coding gain (dB) 4.2 Margin (dB) 6 Input power (dBm) 23 Noise power (dBm/Hz) -140 Crosstalk noise 24 ISDN disturbers Figure 1 in [Martin, Vanbleu, Ding, Ysebaert, Milosevic, Evans, Moonen & Johnson, submitted] High rate direction

7 18 - 7 Multichannel Discrete Multitone Transmission Different levels of coordination –Multiuser detection (no coordination) –Joint spectra optimization (coordination of transmit spectra usage) –Vectored transmission (full signaling coordination at both ends) NEXT FEXT Duplex Channel NEXT: Near End Crosstalk FEXT: Far End Crosstalk

8 18 - 8 Improving Data Rates Per channel improvements –Symbol synchronization (embed makers in transmitted data) –Multicarrier modulation (number of channels, bit swapping) –Equalization (training sequence and time) –Error detection and correction (choice of coding methods) Multichannel improvements –Coordination of transmit specta –Coordination of signaling at both ends (training sequence and time) –Interference cancellation

9 Backup Slides

10 18 - 10 Multiuser Detection No coordination between duplex channels Different service providers bundled in same/adjacent cable Must combat near-end and far-end crosstalk –Crosstalk identification: estimate crosstalk channel and power –Crosstalk cancellation NEXT FEXT Duplex Channel NEXT: Near End Crosstalk FEXT: Far End Crosstalk

11 18 - 11 Joint Spectra Optimization Coordination in joint spectra design Goal: find multiuser power allocation to maximize sum of data rates Solution: For all users, regard others as additional noise and perform single user water-filling and iterate NEXT FEXT Duplex Channel NEXT: Near End Crosstalk FEXT: Far End Crosstalk

12 18 - 12 Vectored Transmission Signal level coordination –Full knowledge of downstream transmitted signal and upstream received signal at central office –Block transmission at both ends fully synchronized Channel characterization –Pertone basis –Multi-channel NEXT FEXT Duplex Channel NEXT: Near End Crosstalk FEXT: Far End Crosstalk

13 18 - 13 Crosstalk Cancellation NEXT is suppressed by frequency division duplexing FEXT is cancelled per tone via QR decomposition of T i –Downstream Pertone MIMO precoding No crosstalk after channel –Upstream QR leads to a back-substitution structure decode last user, decision feedback as crosstalk Successive crosstalk cancellation

14 18 - 14 Simulation Results for 17-Tap TEQs (con’t) Parameters Cyclic prefix length 32 FFT size (N) 512 Coding gain (dB) 4.2 Margin (dB) 6 Input power (dBm) 23 Noise power (dBm/Hz) -140 Crosstalk noise 24 ISDN disturbers Figure 3 in [Martin, Vanbleu, Ding, Ysebaert, Milosevic, Evans, Moonen & Johnson, submitted] Downstream transmission ADSL Equalization

15 18 - 15 P/S QAM decoder invert channel = frequency domain equalizer S/P quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) mapping mirror data and N -IFFT add cyclic prefix P/S D/A + transmit filter N -FFT and remove mirrored data S/P remove cyclic prefix TRANSMITTER RECEIVER N/2 subchannelsN real samples N/2 subchannels time domain equalizer (FIR filter) receive filter + A/D channel Data Transmission in an ADSL Transceiver Bits 00110 each block programmed in lab and covered in one full lecture in EE 345S each block covered in one full lecture P/S parallel-to-serial S/P serial-to-parallel FFT fast Fourier transform

16 18 - 16 Discrete Multitone (DMT) DSL Standards ADSL – Asymmetric DSL Maximum data rates supported in G.DMT standard (ideal case) Echo cancelled: 14.94 Mbps downstream, 1.56 Mbps upstream Frequency division multiplexing: 13.38 Mbps downstream, 1.56 Mbps up Widespread deployment in US, Canada, Western Europe, Hong Kong Central office providers only installing frequency-division multiplexed (FDM) ADSL:cable modem market 1:2 in US & 5:1 worldwide ADSL+ 8 Mbps downstream min. ADSL2 doubles analog bandwidth VDSL – Very High Rate DSL Asymmetric Faster G.DMT FDM ADSL 2 m subcarriers m  [8, 12] Symmetric: 13, 9, or 6 Mbps Optional 12-17 MHz band Introduction

17 18 - 17 Spectral Compatibility of xDSL 10k100k1M10M100M Plain Old Telephone Service ISDN ADSL - USA ADSL - Europe HDSL/SHDSL HomePNA VDSL UpstreamDownstreamMixed Frequency (Hz) 1.1 MHz 12 MHz Any overlap with the AM radio band? Any overlap with the FM radio band? Introduction

18 18 - 18 Message Source Modulator Encoder ChannelDemodulator Decoder Message Sink Noise Transmitter Receiver A Digital Communications System Encoder maps a group of message bits to data symbols Modulator maps these symbols to analog waveforms Demodulator maps received waveforms back to symbols Decoder maps the symbols back to binary message bits Modulation

19 18 - 19 Amplitude Modulation by Cosine Function Example: y(t) = f(t) cos(  0 t) f(t) is an ideal lowpass signal Assume  1 <<  0 Y(  ) is real-valued if F(  ) is real-valued Demodulation is modulation then lowpass filtering Similar derivation for modulation with sin(  0 t) 0 1  --  F()F()  0 ½ -   -   -   +       -     +    ½F    ½F    Y()Y() Modulation

20 18 - 20 Amplitude Modulation by Sine Function Example: y(t) = f(t) sin(  0 t) f(t) is an ideal lowpass signal Assume  1 <<  0 Y(  ) is imaginary-valued if F(  ) is real-valued Demodulation is modulation then lowpass filtering 0 1  --  F()F()  j ½ -   -   -   +       -     +    -j ½F    j ½F    -j ½ Y()Y() Modulation

21 18 - 21 Multicarrier Modulation by Inverse FFT x x x + g(t)g(t) g(t)g(t) g(t)g(t) x x x + Discrete time g(t) : pulse shaping filter X i : i th symbol from encoder I Q Modulation

22 18 - 22 Multicarrier Modulation in ADSL N-point Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT) X1X1 X2X2 X1*X1* x0x0 x1x1 x2x2 x N-1 X2*X2* X N/2 X N/2-1 * X0X0 N real- valued time samples forms ADSL symbol N/2 subchannels (carriers) QAM 00101 I Q Mirror complex data (in red) and take conjugates: ADSL Transceivers

23 18 - 23 Multicarrier Modulation in ADSL CP: Cyclic Prefix N samplesv samples CP s y m b o l ( i ) s y m b o l ( i+1) copy D/A + transmit filter Inverse FFT ADSL frame is an ADSL symbol plus cyclic prefix ADSL Transceivers

24 18 - 24 Multicarrier Demodulation in ADSL N-point Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) N time samples N/2 subchannels (carriers) S/P ADSL Transceivers

25 18 - 25 Bit Manipulations Serial-to-parallel converter Example of one input bit stream and two output words Parallel-to-serial converter Example of two input words and one output bit stream S/P Bits 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 Words S/P Words 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 Bits ADSL Transceivers

26 18 - 26 Inter-symbol Interference (ISI) Ideal channel –Impulse response is an impulse –Frequency response is flat Non-ideal channel causes ISI –Channel memory –Magnitude and phase variation Received symbol is weighted sum of neighboring symbols –Weights are determined by channel impulse response 111 1 1.7 2.1 1111 Channel impulse response Received signal Threshold at zero Detected signal * = 1.7 1 Combating ISI

27 18 - 27 Single Carrier Modulation Ideal (non-distorting) channel over transmission band –Flat magnitude response –Linear phase response: delay is constant for all spectral components –No intersymbol interference Impulse response for ideal channel over all frequencies –Continuous time: –Discrete time: Equalizer –Shortens channel impulse response (time domain) –Compensates for frequency distortion (frequency domain) g  [k-  Discretized Baseband System g  (t-  z-z- h + w - xkxk ykyk ekek rkrk nknk + Equalizer Channel g Ideal Channel + Combating ISI

28 18 - 28 Combat ISI with Equalization Problem: Channel frequency response is not flat Solution: Use equalizer to flatten channel frequency response Zero-forcing equalizer –Inverts channel (impulse response forced to impulse) –Flattens frequency response –Amplifies noise Minimum mean squared error (MMSE) equalizer –Optimizes trade-off between noise amplification and ISI Decision-feedback equalizer –Increases complexity –Propagates error Channel frequency response Zero-forcing Equalizer frequency response MMSE Equalizer frequency response Combating ISI

29 18 - 29 Cyclic Prefix Helps in Fighting ISI subsymbols to be transmitted mirrored subsymbols cyclic prefix equal to be removed Combating ISI

30 18 - 30 Cyclic Prefix Helps in Fighting ISI Provide guard time between successive symbols –No ISI if channel length is shorter than +1 samples Choose guard time samples to be a copy of the beginning of the symbol – cyclic prefix –Cyclic prefix converts linear convolution into circular convolution –Need circular convolution so that symbol  channel  FFT(symbol) x FFT(channel) –Then division by the FFT(channel) can undo channel distortion N samplesv samples CP s y m b o l ( i ) s y m b o l ( i+1) copy Combating ISI

31 18 - 31 Channel Impulse Response frequency (kHz) Combating ISI

32 18 - 32 Channel Impulse Response frequency (kHz) Combating ISI

33 18 - 33 Combat ISI with Time-Domain Equalizer Channel length is usually longer than cyclic prefix Use finite impulse response (FIR) filter called a time- domain equalizer to shorten channel impulse response to be no longer than cyclic prefix length channel impulse response shortened channel impulse response Combating ISI

34 18 - 34 Eliminating ISI in Discrete Multitone Modulation Time domain equalizer (TEQ) –Finite impulse response (FIR) filter –Effective channel impulse response: convolution of TEQ impulse response with channel impulse response Frequency domain equalizer (FEQ) –Compensates magnitude/phase distortion of equalized channel by dividing each FFT coefficient by complex number –Generally updated during data transmission ADSL G.DMT equalizer training –Reverb: same symbol sent 1,024 to 1,536 times –Medley: aperiodic sequence of 16,384 symbols –At 0.25 s after medley, receiver returns number of bits on each subcarrier that can be supported channel impulse response effective channel impulse response   : transmission delay : cyclic prefix length ADSL Equalization

35 18 - 35 Time-Domain Equalizer Design Minimizing mean squared error –Minimize mean squared error (MMSE) method [Chow & Cioffi, 1992] –Geometric SNR method [Al-Dhahir & Cioffi, 1996] Minimizing energy outside of shortened channel response –Maximum Shortening SNR method [Melsa, Younce & Rohrs, 1996] –Minimum ISI method [Arslan, Evans & Kiaei, 2000] Maximizing achievable bit rate –Maximum bit rate method [Arslan, Evans, Kiaei, 2000] –Maximum data rate method [Milosevic, Pessoa, Evans, Baldick, 2002] –Bit rate maximization [Vanblue, Ysebaert, Cuypers, Moonen & Van Acker, 2003] Other equalizer architectures –Dual-path (DP) design uses two TEQs [Ming, Redfern & Evans, 2002] –TEQ filter bank design [ Milosevic, Pessoa, Evans, Baldick, 2002] –Per tone equalization [Acker, Leus, Moonen, van der Wiel, Pollet, 2001] ADSL Equalization

36 18 - 36 Minimize E{e k 2 } [Chow & Cioffi, 1992] –Chose length of b (e.g. in ADSL) to shorten length of h * w –b is eigenvector of minimum eigenvalue of channel-dependent matrix –Minimum MSE achieved when where Disadvantages –Does not consider bit rate –Deep notches in equalizer frequency response (zeros out low SNR bands) –Infinite length TEQ case: zeros of b on unit circle (kills subchannels) Minimum Mean Squared Error TEQ Design z-z- h + w b - xkxk ykyk ekek rkrk nknk + b k-  TEQ Channel Amenable to real-time fixed- point DSP implementation ADSL Equalization

37 18 - 37 Maximum Shortening SNR Solution Minimize energy leakage outside shortened channel length For each possible position of a window of +1 samples, Disadvantages –Does not consider channel capacity –Requires Cholesky decomposition and eigenvector calculation –Does not consider channel noise Amenable to real-time fixed-point DSP realization h w ADSL Equalization

38 18 - 38 Maximum Shortening SNR Solution h win, h wall : equalized channel within and outside the window Objective function is shortening SNR (SSNR) h + w xkxk ykyk rkrk nknk Choose w to minimize energy outside window of desired length –Locate window to capture maximum channel impulse response energy ADSL Equalization

39 18 - 39 Single-path, dual-path, per-tone & TEQ filter bank equalizers Available at Matlab DMT TEQ Design Toolbox 3.1 various performance measures default parameters from G.DMT ADSL standard different graphical views -140 23 ADSL Equalization

40 18 - 40 Multicarrier Modulation Advantages –Efficient use of bandwidth without full channel equalization –Robust against impulsive noise and narrowband interference –Dynamic rate adaptation Disadvantages –Transmitter: High signal peak-to-average power ratio –Receiver: Sensitive to frequency and phase offset in carriers Open issues for point-to-point connections –Pulse shapes of subchannels (orthogonal, efficient realization) –Channel equalizer design (increase bit rate, reduce complexity) –Synchronization (timing recovery, symbol synchronization) –Bit loading (allocation of bits in each subchannel) Open issues for coordinating multiple connections

41 Notes

42 18 - 42 Residential Business Applications of Broadband Access Notes

43 18 - 43 DSL Broadband Access Standards Courtesy of Mr. Shawn McCaslin Notes

44 18 - 44 ADSL and Cable Modems Need for high-speed (broadband) data access –Voiceband data modems can yield 53 kbps (kilobits per second) –Telephone voice channel capacity ois 64 kbps (the Central Office samples voice signals at 8 kHz using 8 bits/sample) –Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) modems deliver 128 kbps –New modem standards are necessary to meet the demand for higher bandwidth access for telecommuting, videoconferencing, video-on- demand, Internet service providers, Internet access, etc. Two standards tested in 1998 and now widely available –Cable modems –Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) modems Cable Modems –Always connected to the Internet –Your neighbors on the same local area network share the bit rate –Local area network provides either 27 or 36 Mbps downstream, and between 320 kbps and 10 Mbps upstream. Notes

45 18 - 45 ADSL Modems ADSL modems –Always connected to the Internet –Call central office using a dedicated telephone line which also supports a conventional Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) line for voice –Connection time is 5-10 seconds –ADSL modems are capable of delivering 1-10 Mbps from the central office to the customer (downstream) and 0.5-1 Mbps from the customer to the central office (upstream) –Although ADSL lines have been available from Southwestern Bell since the Fall of 1997, ADSL modems were not commercially available until Fall of 1999. Notes

46 18 - 46 Discrete Multitone (DMT) Modulation DMT uses multiple harmonically related carriers –Implemented as inverse Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) in transmitter –Implemented using forward FFT in receiver Transmission bandwidth –1.1 MHz downstream and 256 kHz upstream –Limit of 1.1 MHz is due to power constraints imposed by the FCC –For 18 kft telephone lines, the attenuation at 1.1 MHz is -120 dBm. Frequency domain is divided into 256 4.3-kHz bins –Channel 0 is dedicated to voice –Channels 1-5 are not used due to compatibility with ISDN services. Notes

47 18 - 47 Two Types of Transmission Two versions of ADSL 1.Frequency Division Multiplexing: the upstream and downstream channels do not overlap: the upstream uses channels 6-31 and the downstream uses channels 32-255. 2.Echo Cancelled: the upstream and downstream channels overlap: the upstream uses channels 6-31 and the downstream uses channels 6-255. According to available SNR in each bin, bin carries –QAM signal whose constellation varies from 2-15 bits or –no signal if SNR is less than 12 dB in that subchannel Constellations chosen so that overall bit error rate < 10 -7 Maximum transmission rate with symbol rate of 4 kHz –Downstream: 248 channels x 15 bits/channel x 4 kHz = 14.88 Mbps –Upstream: 24 channels x 15 bits/channel x 4 kHz = 1.440 Mbps Notes

48 18 - 48 Channel Attenuation Reliable transmission of high-frequency information over a telephone line is wrought with several challenges. –Telephone lines are unshielded and bundled 50 wires to a trunk. The other lines in the bundle can cause severe crosstalk –Telephone lines attenuate signals. The attenuation increases with increasing frequency. At 1.1 MHz, which is the highest transmitted frequency, the attenuation of a 24 gauge wire is 10 kft -70 dBm/Hz 16 kft -110 dBm/Hz 12 kft -90 dBm/Hz 18 kft -120 dBm/Hz 14 kft -100 dBm/Hz Because of severe effects in the channel, the ADSL standard defines channel coding using cyclic prefixes and employs error correcting codes Notes

49 18 - 49 Bridge Taps Bridge Taps are unterminated lines –During modem initialization, effect of bridge taps is included in channel estimate. Their effect would be to lower the possible channel capacity. –During data transmission, bridge taps may saturate the front-end and at a least will be unpleasant for the echo canceller. The echo canceller should have an estimate of the echo channel including the bridge taps. Given that the reflected echo is almost instantaneous than the echo canceller channel estimate should capture them too. In G.lite, echo cancellation is optional –Modems who use it can still use it –A bigger problem in G.lite is the phone due to the splitterless environment –Transmitters that do not have an echo canceller system can rely on their receive filters to reduce the echo. Notes

50 18 - 50 ADSL Modems ADSL modem consists of a line driver plus 3 subsystems: 1.analog front end (15 V) interface (3 V) 3.discrete multitone processor (3 V) Analog front end provides the analog-to-digital and digital- to-analog interfaces to the telephone line. Digital interace manages the input and output digital message streams. Discrete multitone processor implements the digital communications and signal processing to support the ADSL standard. An ADSL modem requires much greater than 200 Digital Signal Processor MIPS. Notes

51 18 - 51 Motorola CopperGold ADSL Chip Announced March 1998 5 million transistors, 144 pins, clocked at 55 MHz 1.5 W power consumption DMT processor contains –Motorola MC56300 DSP core –Several application specific ICs 512-point FFT 17-tap FIR filter for time-domain channel equalization based on MMSE method (20 bits precision per tap) DSP core and memory occupies about 1/3 of chip area It gives up to 8 Mbps upstream and 1 Mbps downstream Notes

52 18 - 52 Motorola Copper Gold ADSL Transceiver Contains all 3 ADSL modem subsystems on a single chip. –Has programmable bit to tell it whether it is at customer's or central office site –Analog front end operates at a sampling rate of 2.208 MHz and gives 16 bits/sample of resolution. It uses sigma-delta modulation with an oversampling factor of 55 / 2.208 = 25. Discrete multitone processor consists of a Motorola MC56300 DSP Onyx core and several application-specific digital VLSI circuits to implement –256-point FFT for downstream transmission or 512-point FFT for downstream reception if it is at the central office or customer's site, respectively –17-tap adaptive FIR filter for channel equalization (20 bits of precision per tap) running at 2.208 MHz –DSP core computes the 32-point FFT for the downstream transmission or the 64-point FFT for the downstream reception. Notes

53 18 - 53 Minimum Mean Squared Error TEQ Matrix O selects the proper part out of R x|y corresponding to the delay  z-z- h + w b - xkxk ykyk ekek zkzk rkrk nknk + Notes

54 18 - 54 Simulation Results for 17-Tap TEQ Cyclic prefix length 32 FFT size (N)512 Coding gain 4.2 dB Margin 6 dB Input power 23 dBm Noise power -140 dBm/Hz Crosstalk noise 8 ADSL disturbers POTS splitter5 th order Chebyshev Notes

55 18 - 55 Simulation Results for Three-Tap TEQ Cyclic prefix length 32 FFT size (N)512 Coding gain 4.2 dB Margin 6 dB Input power 23 dBm Noise power -140 dBm/Hz Crosstalk noise 8 ADSL disturbers POTS splitter5 th order Chebyshev Notes

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