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SEM CONFERENCE NOVEMBER 2012 ORLANDO Louise Lonabacker Director of Student Services, Boston College Editor-in-Chief, College and University Heather Zimar.

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Presentation on theme: "SEM CONFERENCE NOVEMBER 2012 ORLANDO Louise Lonabacker Director of Student Services, Boston College Editor-in-Chief, College and University Heather Zimar."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEM CONFERENCE NOVEMBER 2012 ORLANDO Louise Lonabacker Director of Student Services, Boston College Editor-in-Chief, College and University Heather Zimar AACRAO Managing Editor, College & University and SEM Source *with collaboration from Daniel Bender Write for AACRAO


3 What is Research? A systematic investigation, including research development, testing, and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge. [Federal policy 45CFR46.102(f)] Gathering and analyzing a body of information or data and extracting new meaning from it or developing unique solutions to problems or cases. [] re·search: NOUN: 1. a detailed study of a subject, especially in order to discover (new) information or reach a (new) understanding. [Cambridge Dictionaries Online, © Cambridge University Press 2003] “Research is a way to discover new knowledge by exploring phenomena and answering questions in an organized and systematic way.” [Daniel Bender, University of the Pacific, Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry]

4 Why Not Do Research? Research is scary I don’t have the time I don’t have anything to research I don’t have anyone to work with I don’t have the expertise or knowledge It’s not my job

5 Why Do Research? Answer nagging questions Discover new knowledge and share it Program assessment and development Enhance prestige, gain respect, collaborate Become a player in the planning process Professional development, including publication See also: Toomajian C. Issues for registrars at small colleges. College & University 2007;83:43-9.

6 Research Steps Identify a question: what do I want to know and why is it important? [Introduction] Find out what others have said about it, if anything. [Literature Review] What is the best way to answer my question? [Methodology] What did you find? [Findings] What do the findings mean? What are the implications for the school or your office? [Discussion/Conclusion]

7 Topics: C&U Features: research-based and expert articles  Affordability: student aid at Indiana  Evolving office of the registrar  Rethinking transcripts  Enrollment management and retention series  Academic bling  Helicopter parents  Rankings issue  Dissertation research: International students  Interviews

8 Topics: C&U Forum  Research-in-brief  New course for military service members  Establishing remote student identity  Retaining special populations in Canada  Campus viewpoint  Customer service  Training frontline staff  Leadership series  Book Reviews  Advanced placement  College marketing  Commentary  Project management series  Massachusetts law and FERPA compliance

9 Louise’s Writing Dissertation research Book review Co-author: enrollment projections New technologies: Uview, degree audit Travel inspired: customer service Best practices: one stop services, performance management Book chapter: scheduling, one stop services Co-editor: breakthrough systems Editor: C&U

10 Topics: SEM Source Graduation projects Behavior Intervention Teams (BITs) Summer bridge program International enrollment management Nontraditional student services Retention strategies Transfer initiatives Enrollment management planning Book reviews NCAA regulations Public policy Student selection process

11 Strategies and Pitfalls Strategies:  Co-author  Content, writing, scope, depth  Writers’ groups  Share and comment  Session preparation  Write first, then present Pitfalls  Poorly edited  Poorly organized  Small sample size  Overdone topic  Topic not relevant  Sales-focused

12 Submission Guidelines: C&U Features (Refereed):  Target length: 4,500 words  Style: Chicago Manual of Style, C&U style guide  Data: separate Excel document  Include Title and Abstract  Blind review  Submit to Forum (Non-refereed):  Target length: 2,000 words  Include title, bio., and contact info.  Submit to Do not submit manuscripts that are under consideration elsewhere

13 Submission Guidelines: SEM Source  Target length: 2,500-3,500 words  Style: Associated Press, SEM Source Style Guide  Include title, bio., and contact info.  Submit to

14 Louise Lonabacker Heather Zimar Contact Us

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