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You Are Part of the System Drivers Education: The Key to Driving!! Drivers Education class is designed to give you the ability to master the new skills.

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Presentation on theme: "You Are Part of the System Drivers Education: The Key to Driving!! Drivers Education class is designed to give you the ability to master the new skills."— Presentation transcript:


2 You Are Part of the System Drivers Education:

3 The Key to Driving!! Drivers Education class is designed to give you the ability to master the new skills needed to manage the conflicts and risks associated with driving.Drivers Education class is designed to give you the ability to master the new skills needed to manage the conflicts and risks associated with driving. Regardless of driving skill and experience the possibility of injury and damage to property or vehicles is always present.Regardless of driving skill and experience the possibility of injury and damage to property or vehicles is always present.

4 The Highway Transportation System (HTS) What is the HTS?What is the HTS? It is a system designed to move people and cargo from one place to another in a safe, efficient, and economical manner It has three parts 1.People (roadway users) 2.Vehicles 3.Roadways

5 People

6 Vehicles:

7 Roadways:


9 REGULATING THE HTS States grant privilege of driving by issuing licenses. *A license is an acceptance to obey all traffic laws* BREAKDOWN OF HTS REGULATION: F EDERAL AND S TATE LEGISLATURES : pass laws which make up vehicle code.F EDERAL AND S TATE LEGISLATURES : pass laws which make up vehicle code. 1. National Highway Safety Act 2. National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act *Speed Limits, DUI laws, Licensing S TATE AND LOCAL POLICE : enforce lawsS TATE AND LOCAL POLICE : enforce laws S ECRETARY OF S TATES O FFICE : sets up rules for controls of drivers and motor vehicles.S ECRETARY OF S TATES O FFICE : sets up rules for controls of drivers and motor vehicles. * Emissions Testing, License Requirements C OURTS : decide if drivers charged with breaking the law are guilty or innocent.C OURTS : decide if drivers charged with breaking the law are guilty or innocent. S TATE, COUNTY, & LOCAL TRAFFIC ENGINEERS : maintain roadways and traffic controlsS TATE, COUNTY, & LOCAL TRAFFIC ENGINEERS : maintain roadways and traffic controls.



12 Group Activity List 10 possible driving errors/behaviors that annoy or irritate other drivers and state why.List 10 possible driving errors/behaviors that annoy or irritate other drivers and state why. List 5 different ways that a driver can be courteous to others.List 5 different ways that a driver can be courteous to others.

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